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Hypnotherapy has moved well beyond its mystical status as a method used by stage performers to manipulate the behavior of volunteers for the entertainment of audiences. Today, such techniques are widely used by a growing list of professional practitioners to assist patients overcome a variety of physical and psychological problems.

How It Works

In order for real change to occur in one’s actions, first a change needs to take place within the subconscious mind which is home to one’s habits, imagination, emotions, instincts, intuition, and memory. These subconscious inner attributes are what form dreams and regulate the automatic functions and automatic reactions of the physical body. Therefore, lasting outer transformation is a direct result of the subconscious mind making a meaningful shift in an area linked to the desired result.

Hypnotherapy Melbourne utilizes this scientifically proven knowledge to access the subconscious mind and make subtle changes within, which in turn bring desired transformations in the physical being. Hypnotic experiences are the only way to access the subconscious mind. Therefore, hypnosis is used to open doors that lie beyond ordinary consciousness so that the power of the subconscious can be harnessed to bring about lasting physical changes. Meditation, for example, is a form of self-induced hypnotherapy.

Benefits of Hypnotherapy

As a matter of fact, the subconscious mind is so powerful that hypnotherapy can induce positive results in a wide range of areas including improved health, pain relief, psychological adjustments, increased learning abilities, and habit changes. Hypnotic techniques are now commonly used by such professionals as physicians, nurses, counselors, massage therapists, psychologists, and sports and life coaches in order to achieve desired results.

Increasing a patient’s threshold for both acute and chronic pain is one main use of hypnotherapy techniques. Other health benefits can be realized in conquering eating disorders, phobias, addictions, insomnia, and a variety of negative habits, behaviors and emotions. Besides health and stress management, positive results of hypnotherapy can also be obtained in the areas of improvement to one’s motivation, career achievements, concentration, confidence, and recall. Another benefit to hypnotherapy sessions is the increased advancement of creative and artistic expression.

If you have a nagging problem in any one of these areas, Synergy Hypnotherapy Melbourne may be able to assist you in overcoming your ailments through successful hypnotherapy methods. Our practitioners hold numerous certifications in clinical hypnotherapy and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) from the Australian Institute of Advanced Communication Studies.

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