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File:Silach.pngStrongman is the base class for all subsequent military branches, fighting at close range. It can act as a highly damage inflicting fighter, to heavily armored "living wall". Traveler class can choose the class Strongman at level 9 till level 15 when the time for sub class’s selection comes. So at level 15, you will have the option between 3 subclasses; Hunter, Soldier or Warrior.

Icon Name Function Operating principle
File:Silniy udar.gif Strong blow Strongman invests in the next shot great power and does more damage than usual. Military attacking ability. Requires a melee weapon in the hands of the character. Damage depends on the strength of character. Striking current target.
File:Legkie dospehi.gif Light Armor This ability allows the athlete to wear mail type of protective gear. Without this skill a character cannot wear mail armor
File:Regen zdorovya.png Health Regeneration Health of the fighter recovers faster than usual. Without this skill a character out of combat health regenerates slowly.
File:Parirovanie.gif Countering With this skill athlete can fend off enemy attacks in close combat and avoid receiving damage, if in his hands a weapon or shield. Without this skill a character can not parry melee attacks.
File:Battle cry.gif War Cry All associates strongman move and attack faster. Military strengthens skills. Increases mobility and over time - the attack power of your character, satellites, and members of the group. The effect includes up to 5 friendly targets. Range - average.
File:Obezoruzhivanie.gif Disarmament The enemy will be disarmed at once, and will not be able to attack with weapon for some time. Disarm the enemy, denying the attack, requiring the use of weapons. Mobs of this panic and try to escape from the character.

The distribution of abilities on levels

Level 9 character

  • Strong Blow level 1 - Beat the character deals damage directly depends on the strength of character
  • Light Armor Level 1 - Allows you to wear leather protective gear
  • Health Regeneration Level 1 - Character regenerates health faster out of combat

The level of character 16 (alone with the corresponding skills of a new class)

  • Strong Blow level 2
  • Countering Level 1 - Increases the time parry

The level of character 18 (alone with the corresponding skills of a new class)

  • War Cry Level 1 - Increases mobility sogrupnikov
  • Strong Blow level 3

The level of character 20 (alone with the corresponding skills of a new class)

  • Disarmament level 1 - With a certain probability disarms the enemy
  • Deviation level 2

The level of character 24 (alone with the corresponding skills of a new class)

  • Weakening level 4
  • Fire Sword Level 4

The level of character 26 (alone with the corresponding skills of a new class)

  • Retreat Level 3

The level of character 34 (parallel with the skills of a new class)

  • Strong Blow level 4

The level of character 38 (parallel with the skills of a new class)

  • Weakening level 5

The level of character 42 (parallel with the skills of a new class)

  • Strong Blow level 5
  • Fire Sword level 5

level of character 48 (parallel with the skills of a new class)

  • Strong Blow level 6

The level of character 52 (alone with the corresponding skills of a new class)

  • Fire Sword Level 6

The level of character 54 (alone with the corresponding skills of a new class)

  • Strong Blow level 7

The level of character 56 (alone with the corresponding skills of a new class)

  • Strong Blow level 8

The level of character 58 (alone with the corresponding skills of a new class)

  • Fire Sword level 7
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