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Chen dad hit the cement blocks on the shore

'clock yesterday morning,parajumpers pas cher, Chen dad, as usual, from the Jianghan a bridge 200 meters upstream from the water. Unexpected, the river suddenly surging up, Chen dad first attempt to dock,mercurial vapor, the river straight to downstream rushed. Second, Chen dad again force dock,abercrombie france, still no success. Along the raging river, Daddy was rushed to the Jianghan a bridge under the bridge. Third dock, dad again failed, Chen dad hit the cement blocks on the shore, hands and feet were scratched,moncler, he shouted for help, the shore of the person for help,abercrombie outlet. The river will soon be Chen daddy barge washed ashore,piumini moncler, the shore of a middle-aged man heard the news jumped into the Han River,hollister, beside swim to Chen dad struggling to Chen daddy toward shore,air jordan. In order to save dad shore, middle-aged man's arm was scratched,abercrombie, and still did not give up. Eventually, Chen dad lucky escape. Last night,parajumpers, the reporter found a rescue Master Wu. Master Wu, 42,abercrombie milano, a swimming instructor, training professional swimming team,hollister, also trained players across the Yangtze River. Previously,moncler, Master Wu in the concrete floor of Jianghan bridge Dyke pearls "swimming training" words written beside left a phone number. This scene by friends filmed sent to the online, once triggered User "money PK dangerous" discussion.</p>

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southwest of warm air has been strengthened

's early Ray than normal as early and local strong. Hunan Provincial Meteorological Bureau experts, 4 February 24 solar terms in the beginning of spring,mercurial, but because Hunan is still cold rainy weather enveloped, so did not enter the true sense of the spring: "by meteorology standard, average daily temperature for five days in a row over 10 ℃ considered officially spring,parajumpers outlet. "However,hollister, the initial February 5 14:32,2012 Ray had in just the beginning of spring after a day in the south of Changsha City,moncler. Hunan Provincial Meteorological Bureau A staff member described the scene at that time: "TWO deafening clap of thunder,abercrombie france, followed two lightning meteorological warning center in Hunan Province in the courtyard of the large tree trunk split off a layer from top to bottom." Hunan anti- the Ray Center statistics show that,parajumpers, at 2:24 p.m. on February 5th in the south of the city of Changsha monitoring to lightning, ending at 17:12 on February 5th, the province monitored Lightning 10,hollister, respectively, located in Changsha and Yueyang east. For the local thunderstorm causes of Hunan Provincial Meteorological Station chief forecaster leaves Chengzhi,hollister uk, beginning the evening of the 7th,hollister, Hunan Province will be affected by the strong cold air cooling precipitation process. Before the cold air, southwest of warm air has been strengthened,moncler, inverted trough on the ground have also been developed,hollister milano, there will be some recovery in the surface air temperature the unstable energy reserves in the atmosphere increases, easily triggered Bureau of strong convective weather. In addition,moncler outlet, from February 14 surface meteorological elements monitoring situation between Changsha and Zhuzhou small-scale surface convergence line near the ground convergence line is usually concentrated area of ​​severe convective weather,abercrombie milano.

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villagers on behalf of all the things do not know

're gone,hollister, we picked up in the ground,hollister, a lot of Gao and steel pipe, do not know is what kind of person,abercrombie. "Du the Every River also quietly recorded the night down. According to villagers,abercrombie milano, the land south of the village, about 70 acres, once such a thing has happened on April 13, is also in the middle of the night, growing wheat brightly shovel part, under the coordination of the local police station, the rest the wheat did not move. April 25 shovel this shovel all over the rest of the wheat, 3 times a cumulative total of 70 acres of wheat to shovel. "Seven people at home a total of 2 acres, this to the year's harvest was all over,abercrombie." The villagers said Hu Restoration. ■ survey: the village branch to engage in land development reporter learned from the villagers, the village branch once said should be shovel place to engage in development per acre annual compensation of 1,500 yuan, a one-time compensation paid to 30-year,hollister milano, but Some of the villagers do not agree. "Some villagers shovel from the village took the money because not shovel can no longer planted Although the compensation part of the money, we how to do Said to engage in land development,moncler, villagers on behalf of all the things do not know,parajumpers, we went to the Land Bureau of Xingtai City, did not do any formalities. "the incumbent villagers on behalf of Du Every River. "In order to understand how is it, we go to the district,mercurial, the city and send the material,hollister, but the village enclosure,hollister, an area has not been stopped, we really hope that relevant departments soon as possible to give us an answer, at least have to let us eat it. "the villagers said Hu Restoration,parajumpers jacken. The reporter contacted the incumbent called Hu Haijun Ma Village branch secretary for the night, he said that is not very clear on the phone said, need to ask someone else, the reporter then call several times, the phone has been in no one answered. It is understood that the village residents have sent wheat shovel regarding a report the Nanda Guo police station is to initiate an investigation on the matter,moncler outlet.

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have been living happily after work. Very talented

's blog message mourn, others specially rushed to the small warburg,abercrombie. "We are very sad his parents not to mention the almost collapsed,piumini moncler." Said one of his friends. In July last year, Lee graduated from the China University of Political Science and Law College of Criminal Justice undergraduate,abercrombie france. Subsequently, he came to a small warburg village when the village official, is mainly responsible for the artistic management of the park. Lehi's quarters on the third floor of the entrance of the village committee close to a photo,abercrombie. Dim photo, a melancholy young man leaning against the wall, looking into the distance. Reporters in his blog personal album also saw this photo, Lehi his name is nowhere to place youth. In memory of a friend, Lee is a cheerful person,parajumpers, have been living happily after work. Very talented,hollister, he sings well,abercrombie. Graduation party, together with the Sichuan students sang a "life and death",parajumpers jacken. But in the second day of the New Year, he chose to leave,hollister. According to insiders revealed that Lehi left a suicide note,mercurial vapor. The topic is "spring blossoms,moncler, very brief suicide note, roughly" I was sick all night I could not sleep all night. I want to leave a. A week ago,parajumpers outlet, Lehi had just spent a 23-year-old's birthday. Goes from Guangzhou greeting cards is a blessing on his birthday and New Year greeting, but Lehi did not see it. Yesterday,air jordan pas cher, the reporter did not see the the Lehi relatives.

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then turned to jump off the fence and go straight in Go

Shanghai workers migrant workers, in order to save some money to go home for the New Year, and even choose dwelling bridge opening. Carpark Journey Into Amazing Caves around 10:00 last night, the reporter went to the site exploration,abercrombie, Zhang aunt reflect locations in Caoyang Luqiao near Baiyu Road is a parking lot. Car park clean only parked a white van. Reporters on the scene observed after a few minutes, just to see the two men climb over the iron fence next to enter the car park, they first rely on the stair railing to climb the fence, then turned to jump off the fence and go straight in Go, go around to the side of the cement wall behind. Reporter for a closer look, also from the same location turned into the parking lot and went inside, found it "amazing",parajumpers, after bypassing the side of the cement wall, here turned out to be a temporary dwelling point. Few irregular wall surface huddled in a dozens of square meters of space, the wall is not high, and above the viaduct is still some distance,hollister uk, appeared to be very open. By the faint light, you can see the ground covered with a few simple bed, a bed with wooden ride, a distance of 40 cm from the ground, and the rest is all ground floor. Beds scattered around some life items, few people sat on the bed chatting. See outsiders come in, they did not feel very surprised. By reporter learned that talk to them now, which is home to five people are Shanghai workers migrant workers, mainly in order to save money more than save some money to go home before the Spring Festival, and was forced to live in the here and here Temporary hotel. Home New Year a savings of migrant workers from Henan Kaifeng Lee introduced, he and the other two could have been working in the vicinity of a construction site on the construction project has been completed, other workers have to return home to the New Year, they ready to return home,mercurial, but there are some wages have not settled, no other residence can go and put their own bedding and other items are moved here,hollister. Day and will be out to continue odd jobs, the night before I came back to live. "Here lived though around very noisy at night to sleep cold,air jordan, but do not have to spend money, can more than save some money to take home to the New Year,parajumpers outlet." Lee told reporters. Another person: "We do not want to live here, the end of the home, are not prepared to do a permanent job,hollister, dinner Lodging spend money, and live here is no way to approach." Bridge opening at least be able to avoid the storm the other two people are a pair of HongXing middle-aged couple, age is probably 40 years old. They told reporters that they the couple are in Henan, and the other three are from the same city. Before her husband has been a textile factory in Fengxian workers, the Spring Festival approaching, the holiday factory, he also wants to go home early,moncler, but the wife of the 27th holiday. Husband a few days ago while carrying luggage arrived at the train station to buy a ticket ready to go home, but did not buy a train ticket to the appropriate time, have been stranded at the train station,air jordan pas cher, and now live here, thanks to the recommendation of fellow. Mr. Hong said: "live in here better than the train station, as it is today such a rainy day, Station Square is certainly not spent at least rain none live here,moncler, the wind almost feel,abercrombie outlet, so I have here will a few days. "We now only buy 28 tickets, and then have to wait a few days to go back." Ms. Hung said reluctantly. Cityscape law enforcement limited effect so many people live here, and if there are problems Near a sanitation workers told reporters that he only recently found living inside who have seen it before it was to climb the fence into, but do not be too concerned about. Sanitation workers sympathize with them: "The recent weather in Shanghai was cold today under the rain, very hard to live in there, and every day is also very dangerous to climb over the fence." In this regard, the the Caoyang streets Enforcement Division staff is also very Helpless According to them, after the discovery Caoyang Luqiao inhabited, they require the units installed iron gate amenity Bureau and relevant departments,moncler outlet, as well as coordination of concentration and control, but often remediation, clean-up, remediation and after that she moved back here, and now it is over the wall into the room, the effect is not ideal.

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"demeanor male

'clock the evening of 24 April 2010, who lives in the mountain's 20-year-old single female youth Zhang heart anguish came alone to a bar to drink in Yan'an Road, in the mountains, a few drinks, Zhang is warmed with wine At this time, a more than 30-year-old operator southern accent "demeanor male waving to, came to her table, was approached by the man claiming to be a vice president of real estate developers,abercrombie france, the beginning of the conversation," grace men " brag about how able to operate several large real estate assets of over ten million dollars, and so on, straight to hear Zhang mesmerizing the Xinjing captivated. Near midnight, the two have drunken micro smoked, "demeanor male," he called to the waiter,lancel, took out a thick wallet, pulled out of a stack of money and threw it on the table, and generous to two of the drinks bill at the same time ,abercrombie france, but also to the pen, flew on the wine list wrote a phone number to throw on the table, and looked meaningfully Zhang a, said simply: "CALL me at night!", then drifted away. Midnight,abercrombie milano, Lost and Delirious Zhang out of the bar, driven by alcohol,air jordan, actually mysteriously dialed the phone number, the phone's "demeanor male enthusiasm her to a Hotel in the mountain to find him Zhang taxi about and to open the door to meet not long after, has long been eager the "demeanor male" a Lan Guo Zhang, overturned on the bed ... Around 8:00 the next day, Zhang was asleep when awakened by a burst of voices, the original is "demeanor male" is on the phone, if who contract. Soon, came more than a 30-year-old, bespectacled man, he claimed to engage in real estate partnership and "demeanor male" today is to sign a contract and demeanor male ". Then, glasses men launched a and demeanor male "intense" negotiations ", while ten million, while thirty million straight heard Zhang dazzled,abercrombie outlet, his mind dilute chaos. Finally, the "glasses guy" to "demeanor male fight to give him a down payment of 30% of" demeanor male "did not ambiguous offerings to ensure said:" This money, no problem, I spent the money I have become,moncler. " "I do not care, as long as the bank is identified on the line!" Glasses men did not ambiguous. Subsequently, glasses men "changed the subject, asked skeptically, the sentence:" You can really change money "See" glasses men "do not believe," demeanor male "from the bag and took out a $ 100 denominations of RMB "template", then took out a white paper of the same size shop in the above firmly with the palm Han few, followed up with the newspaper and put a white pill into a clean trash pour inside, After a child, "demeanor male" again White out in a basin,air jordan pas cher, and then further down the syrup ...... "hey, true God, true change money here!" Zhang can not help but cry out: the saw "demeanor male actually true from the basin to fashion a wet face value of 100 yuan banknotes. "How to believe,abercrombie, do not believe you can take the money to go to the bank inspection experience!" Dubious "glasses guy" and Zhang Na Zhaoqian downstairs went to a nearby bank to verify that the results actually really RMB. Both men back to the hotel,hollister, "demeanor male" Zhang experimental surprisingly successful "assist" in the the "demeanor male", Zhang suit, glasses men rushed out immediately took out 35,moncler outlet,000 yuan handed over to the the "demeanor male let him help him change money. In this case, the "grace Male" see Zhang convinced,parajumpers outlet. They "sincerely" Zhang said: "I want to help you, so you can also make some money, but the $ 100 face value of real money as a 'template' each 'template' can only be used once, so you get some money, I'll give you a changing point! "and asked Zhang vowed not and others say. Back at the hotel at this time, has long been obsessed Zhang did not think a taxi home and glasses men "to come up with 20,000 yuan in cash from the bank with a bank card removed 50,000 yuan of money totaling 70,000 yuan the money handed demeanor male "hands" demeanor put the money together with glasses men 35,000 yuan, one placed in a bag, stuffed into a black computer bag and brought the package locked to Zhang watching, They go out to buy some equipment change money, Zhang did not think, in the room looking at the package, and an hour later "demeanor male phoned to say the device is not good to buy, so Zhang Check out home phone, Zhang did. Surprisingly,abercrombie, wait until the night also did not wait for a phone call, this time, Zhang felt a little bad, she got a screwdriver to pry open the computer bag: how can there be any money, only some milk, seeds at home!

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a vintage of missing children cases surfaced. 1991

's most dangerous wanted criminals not only often boarded highest viewership rankings, and more to assist the U,mercurial.S,moncler. police arrest 1,093 criminals, including serial killers, rapists and child abduction prisoners. February 1988, the first program in only four days to trace to jailbreak murder committed David Robert's whereabouts James , He was among the FBI 10 most dangerous wanted criminals "blacklist,hollister. The success stories make the show an instant hit popularity, it is so popular that Fox television in 1996 with a new program to replace the "most dangerous wanted criminals in the United States" after being the nation's viewers, lawyers, and even judicial officials in 37 states protest last television had to restore the program's broadcast to quell public outrage. "America's most dangerous wanted not just ordinary criminals, the national recidivism is also the focus of one of the tracing. 9 that shocked the world 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, the program has become a "terrorist hunter". October 2001, to be President of the United States George W Requirements of the Bush program announced to the American public the list of 22 "base" Qaeda terrorists. Moderator John Walsh recently revealed the auspices of his 20-year career, tracing all types of criminals, even including the nation's most vicious ruthless criminals. He proudly announced that so far, they have caught 17 repeat offenders "FBI10 most dangerous wanted criminals" blacklist,abercrombie france. Audience recognized the the kidnapped girls criminals Walsh and his show is a kind of decadent magic ability to become major cases nationwide attention, he could little interest in the case, he could only nine months to put Kidnapped children to come back, he can help missing children missing for 18 years brought to light. In August this year, a vintage of missing children cases surfaced. 1991, only 11-year-old Jessie Lee Du Jiade was abducted by robbers couple of Jia Rui multi and Nancy, in the subsequent 18 years, Du Jiade them hiding in the backyard tent lived a "reclusive" life, during which several Jia Rui multi raped and gave birth to two daughters with him. Du Jiade missing only four days, Walsh and his team produced a program to attract an audience. Still no news of her missing years, many people have to give up to find her hopes, but Walsh did not give up, before and after a total of three programs concern Du Jiade cases, the case is becoming one of the affects of major nationwide audience. June 2002, only 14 years old, beautiful little girl Elizabeth PriceSmart home in Salt Lake City was abducted, Walsh for her to do a full six programs,abercrombie. Nine months later, a pair of elderly couple was shocked to read the program found that living in the vicinity of a suspicious man with two children,moncler, one child was actually disguised Smart. Kidnapping Smart Brian Mitchell Street Preachers, no fixed job, often wandering the streets begging. Smart's mother gave him begging for $ 5 and hired him for home decoration roof,abercrombie. Six months later, Mitchell sneaked into the bedroom of Smart kidnapping her to a secret mountain camp. Mitchell claiming to be the prophet in the Baze help of his wife, hurried with Smart held a wedding ceremony. Over the next nine months, Smart was 3-4 times daily rape. In March 2003, a driver saw her walking the road in the Salt Lake City suburb with Mitchell and his wife, Baze, then rescued Smart. Mitchell couple arrested after play the fool in the court, not only continue to sing the hymns in the interrogation room, loudly ordered the judge to repent, the court twice ruled that mental disorders do not have the ability to appear in court, is still living in a mental hospital, no formal court. Until last month, Smart, now 21-year-old took to the court Mitchell couple to commit crimes and mental disorders, and hope that her testimony could force the murderer punished by law, awful sensation when America's case once again cause for concern . The onto the Pupil Road stems from a drop in the ocean in just the Sangzaizhitong the Du Jiade and Smart Washburn cases. 20 years, Walsh all the time and energy on playing the role of "civilian police" most people he regarded as a "messenger of justice, some people can not understand why he is so obsessed wonderful thing criminals are brought to justice, that he exaggerated the crisis of law and order in the society in the United States and his program he called "fear spread by. Few people know that fact, 20 years ago,abercrombie france, Walsh've never thought the program dealing with the legal system presided over the daily crime, murder. Walsh is a successful Hollywood real estate businessman,hollister, engaged in the the senior hotel construction project, with a beautiful wife and adorable son. July 1981, however, only 6-year-old son, Adam,hollister uk, was missing at the mall, completely changed the life trajectory of Walsh. Two weeks later, Adam's skull Jingxian near a small stream, his body has not yet been found. The case has become the nation's most notorious torture, cases of child Walsh child protection laws in the United States is aware of how fragile,moncler outlet. He Sangzaizhitong into the power of helping others, the nation's missing children's center was established in 1984, Walsh has thus become civic leaders search for missing children and protect the personal safety of children in the United States. 1988 Fox Television invitation he presided over the nation's most dangerous wanted criminals, Walsh decided to give up the extra cash real estate, to join the just cause of the pursuit of criminals, and to search for the missing victims of child abuse cases focus for the program. In the past 20 years, Walsh total help to recover the more than 50 missing children. Walsh meaningfully learned Du Jiade finally recovered after missing 18 years, said: "This is a tragic story with a happy ending." For him, however,parajumpers jacken, his son Adam's tragedy is not even a satisfactory ending . In Adam's death, Walsh locked by tracing the murderer - the serial killer pedophile Otis Tours, but due to the weak U.S. police and judiciary in handling cases, over the years he was not able to Tours conviction. Until December last year, the new Hollywood police chief Richard Wick Wagner Tours was officially announced as the murderer killed Adam, the murderer had died more than a decade,air jordan. Wagner acknowledged years of investigation by the police in the wrong direction, and extend my deepest apologies to the Walsh couples. In order to avoid similar tragedies continue to occur, Walsh promote create the files of one of America's most dangerous sexual assault in 2006, President George W. Bush also signed a to Walsh son named "Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act, in accordance with the bill, all states must be openness offender registration directory,abercrombie outlet, so that the fear of parents verifiable whether you live in the vicinity of the perpetrators of child sexual abuse. Walsh emotionally said in an interview: "Each of missing children are my children ... Adam would be proud of me, if everything did not happen, he is now a 34-year-old adult man I love that little boy. "According to Information Times

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Liu Dazhi factory people network

's Procuratorate prosecution Ryu defrauding others of money through the publication of false recruitment information,hollister. Ryu the Wujiang Development Zone,hollister, a person in charge of the "Black Job, but with the media exposure and law enforcement agencies to investigate and deal with," Black Job "living space is getting smaller and smaller. See through the normal recruitment more difficult to make money, Ryu another way to think of a more convenient way to make money in the period from January 2010 to March, Liu Dazhi factory people network, and easy to register network Internet sites the fact that large number of, Chicony plant Darfon plant on behalf of the company published false information about the recruitment, fictional factory in charge of their own departmental Xu attractive treatment to attract job seekers,moncler outlet. When job seekers contact with Ryu,parajumpers, Ryu that the grounds of the need to pay the medical examinations,abercrombie, accommodation deposit cash charge to job seekers to interrupt continuous, disappeared immediately after fraud succeeded and job seekers,abercrombie outlet. In less than two months time,parajumpers outlet, Liu crazy crime 6 from the fraudulently obtained a total of ill-gotten gains of more than 4000 yuan. Own economy is more difficult,piumini moncler, because the victims are migrant workers,lancel, Ryu and fraudulent use of the name of famous foreign companies in the recruitment process,moncler, to both employers and employees have had a negative impact,hollister, social impact is extremely bad,hollister. Eventually,abercrombie france, Ryu deception again waiting for public security officers caught,abercrombie. Chen Hong Jiang Fan Li

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sentenced to 2 years

's general cognitive value, and therefore the case aroused enormous repercussions judgment. Director of the Research Center of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,parajumpers jacken, the social problems in rural areas Yu Jianrong hair microblogging alternate nanny "Idealists." Users focus of controversy gathered in two ways: one, nanny claimed no advance knowledge of the mobile phone value must be in accordance with the actual value of the phone conviction Second, after the use of mobile phones should have depreciation charges as the actual value of the invoice price is reasonable Also have friends that one can afford the tens of thousands of dollars of phone owed nanny wages, it should not be. The voice of netizens quickly respond, July 1, Zhengzhou Intermediate People's Court of second instance ruled cassation, sent back to Zhengzhou City court for retrial. Zhengzhou Intermediate People's Court that the defendant significant understanding of error problem exists on whether the value of the theft of mobile phones,abercrombie, the first trial did not fully investigate the cross-examination; involved identification of the value of the phone problem plays an important role in the accurate processing of the case, the first instance, this is not fully cross-examination , it is necessary to re-cross-examination;, the first instance nor fully investigate the cross-examination whether the defendant constitutes surrendered problem. Case turnaround retrial verdict: 10-year sentence reduced to two years also found that the defendant also theft of a gold ring SO worth 8162 yuan 9:40 yesterday the, Zhengzhou City 法院对该案, a public hearing again. Retrial except to identify the nanny Zhang Yun theft of more than 60,000 yuan worth of phone, but also to identify early November 2011, Zhang Yun theft father-in-law of Mr. Su deposited on a gold ring Su, and bring back the Yuzhou home hiding. Identified the gold ring valued at 8,162 yuan. After two adjournments, the trial continued from 9:40 to 15:00,moncler, after CRIC Court pronouncement, ruling according to law: the defendant Zhang Yun theft, sentenced to 2 years, and a fine of 3,000 yuan. Court saying the Pirates of the mobile phone value significantly beyond the level of general cognitive combination defendant cultural level and life experience that the court statement said "that the value of the phone over two thousand yuan" is true the court held that the defendant Zhang Yun behavior constitute a theft, the actual value of the stolen property amounted to 68,162 yuan, belong to an extraordinary amount, but in view of the value of the stolen phones significantly beyond the general perception of the public level, the obvious features of the phone look no display of its high value, combined with Zhang Yun cultural level and life experience, the court held that its court statement said that the value of the phone over two thousand yuan true. Therefore,abercrombie milano, the defendant Zhang Yun significant awareness for the value of the stolen phone error, and subjective is only illegal possession of others deliberately "large amount" of property without the illegal possession of a "huge amount" of property deliberately. Based on subjective and objective unity of the principles of criminal law,hollister, the amount should be recognized in accordance with the subjective intentional content theft,hollister. It finds the defendant Zhang Yun accumulated stolen property belonging to a "large amount", and then made the decision. Focus interpret deserved 比窦娥还冤 The legal experts detailed the case why a lighter commuted A nanny illiterate stole a cell phone, and immediately became a "thief" incarceration for 10 years, he deserved 比窦娥还冤 In this regard, Zhengzhou University Law School Associate Professor Wang Lizhi: in this case, the defendants have a significant understanding of the error value of the stolen items, belonging to an object in criminal law theory recognize the error. Object recognize the error, the actual infringement of the objects of the subjective understanding of the behavior of the perpetrator object and its behavior is not consistent,abercrombie. Zhang Yun mistook a value of six million mobile phone as two thousand dollars in phone theft case be interpreted as lack of intentional theft "astronomical" phone (similar to the theft of common items and deliberately, and Theft of firearm , can not be regarded as the theft of firearms). This should only be subjective understanding of the range may have its specific identity as a nanny from rural to (of course,abercrombie, also considering the general concept of understanding),abercrombie france, consistent with the principles of subjective and objective, the specific amount of identified Theft . It is based on the above understanding, the court finds that the defendant is a "large amount" amount of the theft, rather than "an extraordinary amount" conformity with the law. On-site interviews with employers wife: I did not expect a trial of her 10-year obligations of defense counsel: 8 years less! Thank the community the case concerns nanny husband: the verdict "satisfactory", saw his wife black and thin uncomfortable "more than 10 young 8 years! Thank the community attention on the case." Obligation to defend the nanny Zhang lawyer Zhang verdict yesterday rather mixed feelings, the nanny's husband Division this result expressed "satisfaction",mercurial. The employer's wife claimed that "do not want to pursue this matter," the sentence of 10 years is not their intention. "I was quite satisfied with the verdict, both the nanny punishment, but also do fine when the severity of the offense, and their offense to adapt and accept allow ordinary people to understand." Zhang said. Nanny husband Division Mr. accept Dahe telephone interview yesterday afternoon, said: "satisfied. Saw her (the wife) only in the trial on the dark and thin, heart blame uncomfortable." For an employer, the Secretary said Mr.: "After all, things have been committed, people I do not bear grudges." Although employers the nanny Zhang know the value of the phone,hollister, and in the previous theft, but the wife of the employer Sumou said yesterday afternoon: "We did not thinking about wage arrears nanny babysitter offered wages last settled, and we have not had time to knot her on this one pair nanny or good, is also feeling pitiful nanny was the first trial and did not expect to sentenced her to 10 years, it is not we mean also do not want to pursue this matter ". Sound case of (Reporter Wen Zhonghao) shall be amended according to the law reflects the respect for public opinion, Zhengzhou City, deputies, workers' village school principals in Li-Hong Chen: The retrial, as deputies to attend the entire course of the trial, has strong feelings, the court based on the facts and evidence, shall be amended according to the law of the case, reflects the respect for public opinion, reflects compliance with the law, and truly unified legal and social effects. Verdict expected the law and love combined with good public Xing Zhihong: Although the outcome of the case and the first judgment, but could also be expected deviation. Zhang Yun as a nanny, she stole other people's stuff, should be punished by law. But she is an illiterate, low levels of literacy, legal awareness, and do not understand the true value of the phone is also very pitiful. The judgment of the Court Act and emotion combined well,abercrombie outlet. The link 1 Vertu phone Vertu is Nokia established the world's first luxury mobile phone company, over the years, Vertu has been manufacturing luxury mobile phone is known for the average price for each of up to more than ten million yuan. Link 2 astronomical grape case judgment results in August 2003, four foreign to Beijing to migrant workers to enter the Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry and Fruit Institute the grape research park picking about 47 pounds of grapes. Does not know that the of this grape Department research new varieties, migrant behavior leads to the rupture of the Institute's research data. Beijing price department assess the amount of stolen grapes for 11,abercrombie france,220 yuan. Since then, four migrant workers in addition to a person as young as 16 years of age and the circumstances are obviously minor detainees,hollister, and the remaining three have been arrested. Ultimately, the value of the grapes come down to 376 yuan, three workers were acquitted. (Original title: the sentence from ten years to two years, fines from 20000-3000)

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forced trading

's Court, Guo Xiaowei underworld organization crime due to the organization,moncler, leadership, Final Appeal sentenced to 13 years. Wang Fengwei eight members were also sentenced. , Guo Xiaowei gangs cause trouble and committed, extortion,abercrombie france, forced trading,mercurial vapor, drug trafficking and 10 counts of fraud others cash 30,000 yuan, 69,hollister,000 yuan extortion, implementation cause trouble and 13 from forcing others to 13,parajumpers outlet,000 yuan in cash,abercrombie france, resulting in 4 people with minor injuries and 14 minor injuries,parajumpers jacken. It is worth mentioning that the majority of these victims and Guo Xiaowei there is no dispute,hollister, only because they are not pleasing to the eye ", was severely beaten. Links three dead brain Shendan sun and the moon polytheism a sinister extremely poison,moncler. The refining method only leader know. A dead insects in the drug,piumini moncler, taken after one, went to the annual Dragon Boat Festival at noon,hollister, if not timely antidote taking restrain dead insects, dead insects will be de-volt out. Once into the brain the service this drug by action, such as ghost-like demon,air jordan, and even the parents, wife and will bite to eat. The unassailable compel its taking this medicine, annual antidote, threatening,hollister, so dead set obey driven,air jordan pas cher. (See Jin Yong "Swordsman")

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found on the spot

Zhao Xinming Shenzhen Special Zone Daily (Reporter Zhao Xinming) a Japanese man trailing the company of women workers to the toilet, implementation peeping,air jordan, after police brought to the police station, in addition to a five-day law and order detention,mercurial. It is reported that happened in the evening of August 2, the incident happened at Baoan Xixiang Yantian Huasheng Hui Commercial Building,lancel, 6th Floor. Has been commuting time,abercrombie, Di X special company worker Lee (a pseudonym) to go to the bathroom,hollister uk. Period, with a Japanese man in charge trailing into the implementation of peeping, its hands allegedly was holding pinhole camera equipment. After Lee (a pseudonym) found on the spot,hollister, and the police. Afterwards Gongle police station received a report rushed to the scene to deal with the two parties back to the surveyed,abercrombie france. Is voyeuristic feeling humiliated, Lee mental damages to the other requirements, but has not been promised to lead to unsuccessful negotiations,abercrombie. Evening,parajumpers jacken, Gongle punishment of the police station of the Japanese man detained by the security of the 5th,abercrombie france. It is understood that the Di × special company is a Japanese-funded enterprises engaged in foreign trade business,moncler, arising from either men, aged less than 30 years old. Last night, the big boss of the company has come forward to the police station, secondary consultation with the injured party,abercrombie. Allegedly,hollister, the two sides have been on spiritual compensation matters agreed,parajumpers.

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until the 24th

's Central News Agency reported that the incident in the 10th after another draftees fever,moncler pas cher, cough, sore throat, body aches and other symptoms, inform the health unit on the 11th and then expand the investigation of the epidemic,parajumpers. As of noon today,air jordan pas cher, 81 people have rapid screening for influenza-positive laboratory test confirmation pathogens (H1N1) the H3 influenza cases are mild,hollister, and are taking Tamiflu treatment,mercurial. For the the Taiwan media queries camp is Chengkungling,hollister, the Taiwan authorities,hollister, "the Centers for Disease Control,hollister, Deputy Secretary Lin Ding declined to confirm,abercrombie, saying only that the group of recruits training for three weeks,air jordan, until the 24th,parajumpers jacken, is now forbidden fake and pause Worldhakkas of but does not affect the troops recruits distribution,longchamp. Lin said that the top recruits infected with both influenza does not rule out,mulberry outlet, nor rule out more cases,hermes. (Tall forest)

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the apse

's not responsible to you,moncler, nor is it responsible for us, but on the social history!" Want it to do this efforts,parajumpers. >> Measures three months do not change will be strong enforcement heritage law enforcement and supervision of the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Cultural Relics captain Zhao Jianming restaurants flue from the wood structure so close to the eaves,mulberry outlet, may not only result in a fire, long smoky also damage to the relics. The Dongcheng District Fire Brigade captain Liu Hailong that,lancel, the palace surrounding fire road is not smooth, the event of a fire,moncler pas cher, the fire engines to enter,hollister, to increase the fighting difficult. City Bureau of Cultural Relics of the issued notice requirements, the National Theatre in the three months to eliminate Ning the Dukes House Fire safety hazards,air jordan pas cher, relocation restaurants, as appropriate, to vacate tenants develop repair program, or the Cultural Relics Bureau intends to apply in accordance with the relevant laws The People's Court to enforce. ■ background link located in the Dongdan Beijige three 71 Ning Jun Wang Fu, the existing building,mercurial, the earliest age, building regulations,piumini moncler, a Qing Dynasty palace, is listed as the the municipal units ancient ruins,air jordan, mansion outside Sadakazu dismantled outside the main hall, the apse, after sleep,abercrombie france, wing, and after floor remained intact. As early as in 2005,longchamp, Ning Jun Wang Fu was ordered rectification,doudoune moncler, when Beijing Jing Yan Communications LLC scenery warehouse built heritage structures in the palace-site production workshop, the National Theatre next few heritage buildings leased by the residents as the restaurant,mercurial vapor. In recent years, the Bureau of Cultural Relics repeatedly urge, but with little success.

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the Beijing Municipal publish comments

's Congress adopted the list of a number of appointments and dismissals, three well-known legal experts was appointed to the Supreme People's Court-related businesses Court Vice President. This is the Supreme People's Court for the first time a large scale to invite scholars attachment before had two groups of scholars to the Supreme People's Procuratorate attachment. According to the appointment and removal of the list, the executive vice president of the Beijing Normal University Institute of Criminal Law Lu Jianping was appointed as punishment three Court Vice President Yao Hui,hollister uk, director of the Civil and Commercial Law Department of the Chinese People's University Law School, was appointed to the people, a Court Vice President, China University of Political University School of Law Dean Rebuild of the Example (female) was appointed as the Vice-President of the administrative tribunal,abercrombie. These three legal experts have the title of professor and doctoral tutor qualifications are "60". This to the Supreme People's Court attachment, but not from the original teaching positions. Last year, the president of the Supreme People's Court Wang Shengjun stressed in study and implement the spirit of the meeting of the Eleventh National People's Congress four times TV conference call on the court to strengthen with the of Political institutions talents and business exchanges, to enrich the trial of strength and to improve the judicial level. Supreme People's Political Department of the responsible person in an interview with reporters, he revealed that the Supreme People's Court authorities will employ a number of experts and scholars testing exercise, participate in the trial study, trial lessons learned judicial policy-making, the argument of judicial interpretation and guiding case compilation. ■ Case Huang Jingping: attachment also formal evaluation scholars attachment practice to go earlier in the prosecutorial system. In 1994, Haidian District Procuratorate introduction scholars attachment system. In 2006,lancel, the Beijing Municipal publish comments, scholars began large-scale promotion attachment system,moncler. Haidian District People's Congress in April 1999, the National People's Congress Law School professor Huang Jingping appointed Deputy Attorney General of the sea seized. Subsequently, Huang Jingping began 11 years of sending this paragraph experienced evaluation as "priceless". 1 terms of reference of the terms of reference of attachment can be divided into four categories from Haidian, Xicheng, Chaoyang, Dongcheng district-level procuratorate progressive introduction of system attachment to Deputy Attorney General. In 2006,hermes, the Beijing Municipal Procuratorate issued a "do a better job of hiring legal experts linked to any branch of the county hospital Deputy Attorney General Opinions", by the end of 2008, all 18 county hospital and two Branch The scholars as sending Deputy Attorney General. Scholars attachment to the Deputy Attorney General has certain powers, Huang Jingping summarize,abercrombie france, the scholar terms of reference for the criteria for the classification into competent and type of co-management,mercurial, "Head + co-management, type" Uncertain. "Competent type, scholars in charge of one or a few departments work; Association tube scholars to assist the competent Attorney to manage one or several departments; while" uncertainty "is the work of the departments scholars be allocated according to specific needs. Huang Jingping are competent type attachment,hollister. He was at sea inspection charge of an indictable one and indictable two, he also temporarily hosted arrest approval department,parajumpers. Due to value Huang Jingping years of grassroots procuratorate work experience, in November 2007,mulberry, he was appointed to the Second Branch of the Beijing Municipal Procuratorate Deputy Attorney General. 2 work involved in a number of institutional reforms Huang Jingping in Haidian District Procuratorate has been involved in a number of reforms,longchamp. Including minors Delaying Prosecution summary trial review stage of the criminal reconciliation, the ordinary procedure,hollister, the principal prosecutors the system. During the attachment of the Second Branch of the Beijing Municipal Procuratorate, he was also involved in the working mechanism innovation and normative work, he commented, "are very technical issues. Although the attachment, but also a formal evaluation,abercrombie france. Written identification of the Political Department of the Beijing Municipal Procuratorate for attachment to the Deputy Attorney General, to be stored in my file. Experience of attachment, Huang Jingping with "rare" to evaluate the past 11 years, "attachment give yourself a very good understanding of the criminal law judicial resources and environment of ways." Had attachment to a branch of the Beijing Municipal Procuratorate Deputy Attorney General Tsinghua University Law School Professor Zhou Guangquan, sending major significance for the criminal law scholars. Zhou said that the light of the right by the attachment of two-and-a-half years,moncler pas cher, have deepened the understanding of the procuratorial system with Chinese characteristics. Zhou said that the light of the right attachment, making yourself a more personal experience for the difficulties faced by the procuratorial work. (Original title: three legal experts attachment supreme law)

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this is the second sunset review

WASHINGTON, November 19 (Reporter Yang Chien Wang Zongkai) U.S. International Trade Commission made the 19th sunset review ruled that the continuation of anti-dumping duties on imports of honey from China. According to the U.S,abercrombie france. trade remedy policies and procedures, the U,hollister.S,moncler. Department of Commerce had been made to the sunset review of anti-dumping ruling,hollister, the U.S. International Trade Commission ruled that the United States will continue to impose anti-dumping duties on imports of honey from China,longchamp. The U,hollister.S. International Trade Commission that imports of such products from China sustained substantial damage caused to the U.S. industry in the foreseeable time,moncler pas cher. The so-called sunset review, administrative review expires five years of the levy anti-dumping duties. ,hollister, Five years after the implementation of anti-dumping duties in accordance with the provisions of the Uruguay Round negotiations,mulberry, the United States must cancel the tax order,abercrombie, unless the U,hollister.S. Department of Commerce and the U.S. International Trade Commission that the removal of anti-dumping duties will lead to recurrence of dumping practices continue to cause damage to the U,doudoune moncler.S,parajumpers. industry. The United States was the first country to impose anti-dumping duties from December 2001 in the domestic honey, this is the second sunset review,abercrombie, the current anti-dumping tax rate of 25.88 to 183.80 percent. The Chinese Ministry of Commerce has repeatedly expressed the hope that the U.S. government abide by the commitment to oppose trade protectionism, and jointly safeguard the free, open and fair international trade environment, a more rational way to properly handle trade frictions. (Original title: United States ruled that continue to impose anti-dumping duties in the domestic honey)

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just opened the wardrobe

's house,hollister uk, the home he. 13 at 9 am, alone at home, he went downstairs to buy a pack of cigarettes and did not lock the door when you go out. After returning, he was in the living room watching TV and has been to see the night before they go to bed. 1 o'clock in the morning on the 14th, Zhumadian the temperature drops below zero degrees Celsius, and it began to snow. No heating due to family member courtyard this winter, cover only a quilt Mr. Wu wake up cold,moncler. He opened the bedside lamp,moncler pas cher, stumbled to the closet to take the quilt,mercurial, just opened the wardrobe,hollister, cupboard suddenly heard screaming. Mr. Wu drowsiness suddenly no open door yanked the quilt inside the cupboard is pulled down, Mr,hollister. Wu pounced captured him. West Park police station duty police received Mr. Wu phone alarm and arrived in time. After interrogation,hollister, hiding in the closet Lee this year,parajumpers, 16-year-old,hermes. 13 at 9 am, Mr. Wu went downstairs to go out to buy cigarettes,abercrombie, Lee slipped into Mr. Wu hid wardrobe,air jordan. He intended Mr. Wu sleep start theft, Mr. Wu to buy cigarettes back has not slept, watched three to four hours of television,abercrombie, stay in the closet, he cold not light. "I did not expect him to go to bed to sleep not long after you wake up cold, and even open the closet to find the quilt." Lee said, "missed this,mulberry, the full blame too cold." Yesterday,air jordan pas cher, Lee Detention law.

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cash and a large number of items

'an District People's Court sentenced to detention for four months. After released from prison,parajumpers jacken, he did not feel the social and judicial system of his care and help, no skills who want something for nothing, in order to meet the daily consumption of high, again, who just turned 18 years old when the life of crime implemented together with others held grab robbery,abercrombie france, rape, theft and other serious crime of endangering social and other personal or property rights. August 10, 2011, the multiple crimes of tianjia'an District People's Court, sentenced to two decades, Fang Zheng imprisonment,mulberry, stripping the right of political rights for five years and a fine of 11,000 yuan. Since May 2009, Fang Zheng collusion with others, in the middle of the night by prying, not security doors, windows and other methods, to enter the shops along the street, implemented nearly a theft. Crazy committing the crime and can not meet him, I feel too slow to make the money together Yuan dimensional Hung Chan, Wang Biao, ZHU Bihui,mulberry outlet, who (more than four people have been sentenced) five premeditated, came in the late night of June 27,moncler pas cher, 2009 Huainan the commerce culture Square in City tianjia'an, prior division,hermes, Wang Biao, ZHU Bihui, who downstairs lookout Yuan dimensional, Hung Chan, Fang Zheng, three masked gunmen entering the fourth floor of a hotel by the destruction of the door means , after the first store attendant two attendants mouth sealed with transparent tape, tied the hands and feet, grabbed the phone, cigarettes, cash and a large number of items,doudoune moncler, Hung Chan took the stolen items to leave in advance to meet with Wang Biao,abercrombie, ZHU Bihui, who fled the scene. Fang Zheng Yuan dimension in the hotel room waiter two acts of rape,moncler. After the incident, the victim's report in July 2009 Yuan dimensional, Hung Chan,mercurial, Wang Biao, ZHU Bihui, who have been arrested. But accomplices were captured, Fang Zheng still failed to learn a lesson, to prevent crime footsteps,parajumpers, became acquainted with the new "friends", Fang Zheng continued his "Road" to make a living,hollister uk, until it was captured,moncler. But the crazy criminal acts could not escape the punishment of the law, in view of which he has committed more offenses,hollister, the court then made the decision.

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Guangdong Puning

's Court, shocked the top drug lords of the global drug major criminal cases, Liu Zhaohua executed by lethal injection in Guangzhou. It is reported that Liu Zhaohua has in Fujian, Guangdong Puning, Ningxia and other big drug manufacturing. In November 1999, he produced more than 12 tons of ice was seized in Guangzhou, an amount equal to the worldwide in 1998, the sum of the seized methamphetamine, a carton of ice filled with a basketball court. Fujian started the Puning expansion in 1995, Liu Zhaohua together with others in Fujian Province Fuan Saiqi-town trial drug amphetamine. In June 1996, Liu Zhaohua system 15 one thousand Amor amphetamine and Chen Wen-India (handled separately, has been sentenced) to contact the buyer. Noon on July 5 the same year,hollister, Chen Wen-printed carry 5,abercrombie,000 Amor amphetamine arrested by security officers in Fuzhou transactions with others, the seized amphetamine content of 45%,air jordan pas cher. In May 1998, Liu Zhaohua with Chen and his (handled separately, has been sentenced) and others negotiated by Liu Zhaohua of drug manufacturing technology and is responsible for production, other funding jointly manufacture of methamphetamine trafficking for profit. After that, Chen and funded leasing quicksand town, Puning City, Guangdong Province,abercrombie, a factory for drug manufacturing establishments. May to June of the same year,hermes, Liu Zhaohua, Chen and gathered people co-production of about 300 kg of methamphetamine, selling for profits by Chen and et al,hollister. "Fought" open drug manufacturing plant in Ningxia in early September of the same year, Liu Zhaohua, Chen and his plot in the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region set up manufacturing plant, Liu Zhaohua responsible for the production and transportation, Chen and responsible for funding and sales profits divided equally. From October 1998 to October the following year, Liu Zhaohua directing others to manufacture a pesticide plant in the new city of Yinchuan rented out a large number of methamphetamine and batches shipped to Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, Puning City by the Chen and to sell for profit. November 4, 1999, the public security organs seized in Guangzhou methyl amphetamine from Yinchuan shipped 554 boxes, net weight of 11,080 kg. 9 years, Liu Zhaohua manufactured together with others, 12,660 kilograms of methamphetamine, amphetamine 15 kg, which seized 12,360 kilograms of methamphetamine, amphetamine 5 kg, and Liu Zhaohua profit of about 31 million yuan. The century drug lords 13 at the end of the road by the end of May 1996, in Fuan Saiqi Town, Liu Zhaohua first ice factory started in produce the first batch of 15 kilograms of methamphetamine. In 1997, Liu Zhaohua hid in Sanya, married a second wife. In 1998, Liu Zhaohua in Guangdong Puning create more than one ton of ice. The end of 1998, Liu Zhaohua "fought in Yinchuan, Ningxia, continue to mass production of ice. November 3, 1999, Liu Zhaohua back to Guangzhou, the incident again, riding a bike to escape Guangzhou. The end of 1999 to early 2000, Liu Zhaohua dormant lottery business in a private house in Qingdao. In 2000, the family moved to Guilin. The end of 2004, sneaked back the Fuan home. March 5, 2005, was arrested. June 26, 2006, in Guangzhou for trial. June 22, 2007, the trial was sentenced to death,hollister, and Liu Zhaohua appealed,mulberry outlet. June 25, 2008, the Guangdong Provincial Higher People's Court rejected the appeal after hearing ruled upheld, and submitted to the Supreme People's Court. September 15, 2009, executed. Argument manufacture and sale of methamphetamine can be sentenced to death over 50 grams According to the legal profession in Guangzhou, China's criminal law, smuggling, trafficking, transporting and manufacturing drugs, one of the following circumstances, imprisonment of 15 years' imprisonment, life imprisonment or death, and at the confiscation of property: (a) the ringleader of a smuggling, trafficking, transporting, manufacturing more than one kilogram of opium, heroin or methamphetamine than 50 grams, or a large number of other drugs,lancel; (b) of the smuggling, trafficking, transportation, manufacturing narcotic drugs ; (c) Any armed smuggling, trafficking, transport, manufacture of drugs; (d) violently resist inspection, detention, arrest and, in serious cases; (e) to participate in organized international drug trafficking. Visible, manufacture and sale of less than 50 grams of heroin or methamphetamine, constitute the case may be sentenced to death. Liu Zhaohua mad manufacture methamphetamine has reached 12.36 tons, the huge number of special, a great social harm, and therefore sentenced to death and executed immediately is appropriate. Fallen from an excellent bailiff century Duwang Liu Zhaohua childhood poverty, my father died at age 12, the mother for many years confined to bed, pull adults rely on Big Brother. Although the family was poor, but the excellent Liu Zhaohua achievements, was admitted to a local primary school the best secondary school, also in Fujian Province, took second prize in a high school chemistry competition. Sophomore dropout army, however, when sophomore, Liu Zhaohua initiative to find a local street cadres,mercurial, asked the family economy is bad, requirements to enlist in the army. Teachers and students also unknowingly, Liu Zhaohua secretly went to Fujian Pingtan when the frontier guards. The frontier guards experiences Liu Zhaohua get many opportunities to deal and part of everyday people. In 1988, Liu Zhaohua demobilized from Fujian border troops, was allocated to the Fuan City People's Court as bailiff work. Liu Zhaohua was named in 1990 the advanced workers Fuan Court, in the the Ningde District Court in 1991 the system to perform the work of the General Assembly war, he awarded a third class. However, when the month only 56 yuan wages, which is not going to Liu Zhaohua satisfied. Resign his post college seeking drug manufacturing side in 1996, Liu Zhaohua to Xi'an Jiaotong University to find a retired professor, claimed that in order to develop a weight loss drug, wishing propiophenone synthesis of methamphetamine ("ice" the scientific name), but about the crystallization of this The link is not very smooth. Professor of access to relevant information, methamphetamine is indeed an ingredient in making the diet pills, followed by the Church in a crude laboratory Liu Zhaohua crystallization process. The professor then only think that this man is a studious young, but I do not know Liu Zhaohua Professor "well-intentioned move, in an unprecedented way to create the ice. Out from the professor at home, Liu Zhaohua can not wait to experiment in the first half of 1996, successfully produced 15 kilos of methamphetamine, possession of Fuzhou Provincial Hospital image 4 floor indoor. Since then, his accomplices Chen Wen-printed (already sentenced) are removed therefrom 5 kg trafficking, was arrested in the delivery caused the attention of police. Liu Zhaohua first entered the police perspective,moncler, and his 9-year flight career starts. Had hid in a cave for 16 day and night from the end of 1999 to early 2000, Liu Zhaohua dormant operating in Qingdao, a set of houses in lottery. In 2000, his family emigrated the Guilin Lijiang Garden 185. November 24, 2004, 4:00 pm, via live television, the Ministry of Public Security released the arrest warrant of the Class A offering a reward of 380,000 yuan wanted five major drug lords, Liu Zhaohua was listed as the most wanted suspects. 10 o'clock that night, Liu Zhaohua fled to the cave after 16 days. December 14 of the same year, the police searched the hole, only to see the words "Liu Zhaohua a visit to this". March 5, 2005, Liu Zhaohua, Guo Ruirong in Fuan City end of the street, on the 27th rented by the public security organs captured. The three family novices Liu Zhaohua incident, the family has been separated broken. Liu Zhaohua parents as early as the world, and four siblings had each other. In July 1996, Liu Zhaohua big brother's only son died in a swimming pool. Subsequently,mulberry, the brother and sister-in-law grief frustration, both novices. The end of 1996, Liu Zhaohua first wife divorced him, subsequently ordained a monk to become a nun, the son was sent to Fuzhou grandparents raising. Executed the same day three Duwang Jianxun drug manufacturing robbery two sentences combined by the end of 2007 to early 2008, defendant Jianxun leased a house in Jintang County, Sichuan Province Fu shangxingzhen Changle village of drug manufacturing establishments, together Zhou Jian (at large) part drug manufacturing equipment and raw materials shipped to the rental office, and invited the participation of the defendant Zhang Bing, Liu Bo, Zhang Bing solicitation defendant Tian Kang to participate. The same afternoon of May 18, Jianxun captured the public security personnel from the department, the white powder seized 43.24 kilograms of ketamine, containing 4200 ml ketamine liquid and a large number of drug manufacturing equipment and chemical raw materials. The court held that the Jianxun involved in premeditated, leasing of drug manufacturing establishments to prepare drug manufacturing equipment and raw materials, organization, shuttle, oversight of drug manufacturing personnel, the Department of principal. He was also found guilty of robbery was sentenced guilty of manufacturing of drugs within five years after the completion of the penalty, a recidivist. Accordingly, Jianxun sentenced in accordance with the law and approved the death penalty. He Qibin tenancy number of drug manufacturing great 2007, defendant He Qibin has purchased of drug manufacturing raw materials and tools, and a rental room in Jinjiang District, Chengdu, Sichuan Province, Pearl Garden manufacture of the drug began in October of the same year. November 19 the same year, 21 am, the public security organs in the rented room He Qibin arrested on the spot and seized 25,567 grams of ketamine, ketamine approximately 5500 ml of the solid-liquid mixture of drug manufacturing raw materials and tools. The court held that He Qibin to seek illegal interests,mercurial vapor, specifically rented housing, purchasing raw materials and tools used in the manufacture of the drug, the manufacture of large quantities of ketamine finished, harmful to society, crime is extremely serious and should be punished accordingly. Accordingly, in accordance with the law and approved the death penalty sentence against the defendant He Qibin. The Liang Ruinan drug offense punished severely defendant Liang Ruinan by Andrew Chan Ping Tan Zhirong (at large) instigation, together with the defendant to Beijing manufacturing of drugs. Huateng Yuan district in Chaoyang District, Beijing on March 18, 2006, Liangrui Nan, Chen rented a room as a drug manufacturing locations, and buy the drug manufacturing equipment and raw materials,abercrombie. Meanwhile, the defendant Cheng Zhongying ganged Liang Weiguang (death) from Guangzhou to assist Liangrui Nan et al, and extracted a total of 166.45 kilograms of liquid methamphetamine. The court held that, in the crime, Liangrui Nan, Chen lease for drug manufacturing establishments, purchase of drug manufacturing raw materials and tools involved in the processing of drugs, a culprit should be punished in accordance with the participation of all the crimes. Liang Ruinan also constitute the crime of illegal possession of drugs, and has been convicted of manufacturing of drugs was sentenced to the Department of drug recidivism, should be punished severely according to law. Accordingly, defendant Liang Ruinan sentenced in accordance with the law and approved the death penalty.

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he requested the procuratorate to re-examine the case

'll kill your whole family,polo ralph lauren. In mid-April,abercrombie, Cao Peirong reported to the police and take my daughter to Mingguang City People's Hospital for tests,ralph lauren pas cher. Checklist issued by the hospital that Mary's hymen has been broken. Cao Peirong revealed that, after the accident, his daughter have refused to go on the learning,ralph lauren. Prosecutors accuse principals child molestation It is reported that, in late April, Wang Chengbo suspicion of child molestation, Mingguang city police criminal detention. Shortly thereafter,air jordan, local prosecutors to prosecute the case. According to the the Meiko City Procuratorate accused June 2010 and February of this year,parajumpers jacken, Meiko Pan towns Fan Village King Fan hope primary school principals Wang Chengbo, twice in the top of the stairs,hollister uk, offices,parajumpers, etc,lancel. "put his hand into the underwear of the school girls Jo ,hollister, stroking the girl's breasts, thighs and other. " The prosecution believes that Wang Chengbo move is suspected to constitute the crime of indecent minors,hollister. Defendant Wang Chengbo is denied the allegations, he argued that he did not indecent assault school female students. The requirements for the public security organs,air jordan pas cher, the Procuratorate Wang Chengbo "obscene" qualitative Cao Peirong unable to accept an additional defendant rape. He thinks that Wang Chengbo the behavior constituted the crime of statutory rape, he requested the procuratorate to re-examine the case,piumini moncler, additional prosecute the accused to rape (a girl) sin. On the afternoon of October 18,abercrombie, the reporter contacted the lawyers in the case were to understand the progress of the case. According to reports, the court's trial is over, verdict expected about a week. The reporter Fang Jiawei

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if a customer tried two clothes should hard sell

'clock yesterday afternoon, the Confucius Temple police station received the alarm with fights disputes, the incident occurred at the Confucius Temple scenic area of ​​a clothing store. The police rushed to the scene after a woman found badly beaten sitting on the ground,hollister. A man being pulled and shopkeepers, the police immediately arrange for police cars will be injured woman was rushed to a nearby hospital for treatment. Alarm the man told police, after himself and his girlfriend came to Nanjing from the field to play in this clothing store selection of clothes, took a fancy to a try and dissatisfied,longchamp. So he traded a try a bit, but still was not satisfied. Do not want to buy,hermes, but this time shopkeeper but not letting them leave and insisted they buy one. Store such a hard sell behavior annoys them,moncler, so he and stores quarrel,abercrombie, the two sides had an argument, I did not expect the store owner actually come up with the iron sub pull shutter doors, pointed at his head hit over his girlfriend After the discovery, in order to protect his own with his head in the past,abercrombie, the results of the steel hooks girlfriend's head hit the sub, and was bleeding profusely. For the customer to say,abercrombie france, the store said, the batterer is not right, but the customer first curse. Originally trying on clothes,hollister, nothing,parajumpers, but two customers left to pick the right pick, nothing to buy,air jordan pas cher, to delay him to do other business. He said a few words, the two sides had an argument. Police the parties will then be brought back to the police station mediation,hollister, the injured woman's head after dressing treatment does not cause illness, stores the final compensation to the two customer fees 1800 yuan,abercrombie france. The police also said that open to do business harmoniously,abercrombie, if a customer tried two clothes should hard sell,hollister uk, this business is not good to do. (Bae Core)

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aspect News" reported the news aspect

aspect News" reported the news aspect,mulberry, asking the news,hollister. Invited together to listen to a particular sound. The news site leaders are out, the phone can not be revealed to you,lancel, and speak what I love to say the network,mulberry outlet. "Recently,parajumpers jacken, a license for" Jin A5345 police BMW mini police car photos are sent to online. Photo, this police car parked on the courtyard of the Dongting Road, Tanggu, Tianjin Binhai New Area traffic police detachment,polo ralph lauren, duty officer above answer when reporters want the matter to contact the relevant person in charge of the traffic police detachment and Tanggu,hermes. According to the Mini Chinese official microblogging respond, the car is provided by mini Chinese trial, rather than the buying behavior of the police. Aspect Reviews: China there are a lot of police cars,hollister, high-grade we all had the experience of the police car,mercurial vapor. But the reason why the crowd a 300,parajumpers,000 BMW Mini police car,moncler, too much contrast between the police car and the BMW Mini. Like to try to turn a Pekingese called police dogs looked really have to adapt to. Public service should not accept corporate property,abercrombie, the state should have a clearly defined,hollister uk. The duty officer afraid of Shuitang attitude, we think he is definitely hiring staff,mercurial, so there is not much care about.

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China news agency,parajumpers, Shaoguan,mulberry, October 6 (Reporter Feng Chang) - The 5th Guangdong Shaoguan Nanxiong students drowning accident occurs, the victims of four male students,hollister. The four bodies of the victims found and picked up at 6. The four were killed the boys are of Ye Moude, Dongmou the blue,ralph lauren, Lai Mouming (more than three people are a student) Lai Wind (Guangzhou, a technical school students),abercrombie france, which three only son. The news from the scene of the accident,ralph lauren pas cher, said the four male students are not familiar with the water-based,lancel, they are and killed the girl accidentally fell into the reservoir for the rescue,hermes. The accident site is about 130 kilometers away from the northeast of Shaoguan City Nanxiong Ukrainian runoff Town Hole Reservoir. The incident occurred in the afternoon of 5,moncler, nine male and female students to take advantage of holiday fun side of the hole Reservoir. Which the girls Li Mouhua (sixteen) side of the main dam of the reservoir at the next higher stumble accidentally fell into the water,hollister, rescue Ye Moude four boys rushed out into the water. Drowning girl was finally rescued, but four boys were missing,abercrombie. 5 the evening of 17, 3.45 am,polo ralph lauren, local police received a report,abercrombie france. Rate member of the municipal officials rushed to the scene, the organization more than 50 full search and rescue, and at the same time do a good job to appease the families of the missing students,hollister. On the morning of the 6th, the local invited professional salvage personnel finally salvaged the bodies of four victims boys. It is reported that the hole Reservoir main dam near a water depth of more than ten meters.

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the red envelopes anywhere from twelve U.S. dollars

's duties and the contribution made by the manager and chef will give some of the excellent work of the staff will get a big red. However, due to the economic crisis hit, many bosses does not take money had "the meaning of meaning, employees get the red envelope is like a red paper. Huang Keqiang said, the red envelopes anywhere from twelve U,mercurial vapor.S. dollars; the generous boss will give $ 10, $ 20. Huang Keqiang said, although statistics are not even the United States in the restaurant business is generally poor,longchamp. The loss of the larger restaurants more, smaller restaurants because puerile affected by the economic crisis not too serious,hollister uk. [Glossary] end banquet,mercurial, "" end banquet is commonly known as Lunar twelfth lunar month 16,hermes, which is the festival of the Southern civil businessman, boss of all walks of life, by the "year-end banquet this day banquet staff, red envelopes, thank them years of hard work. In addition to reward hard-working staff, poor for some of the poor performance of the employees, or business operations, the year-end banquet feast on boiled chicken and a big red became a hint. About sour red envelopes people disturbed less fat or no-fat red envelope is not the worst result, now, many restaurant owners began to borrow the red envelopes dismissed employees, the "honor" really is on tenterhooks employees get a red envelope. Huang Keqiang said with a smile, end banquet feast on the banquet staff at the end of the year, the boss and the employees are sitting around the table in a circle, in the middle gracefully a fragrant boiled chicken, seemingly enjoyable actually "sectarianism",moncler. Wait until the boss finished envelopes,air jordan, employees had to weigh in the hand, if it is a thin one, it can breathe. Those who get a thick pile of money, be wary,hollister. "The boss will generally distributed to both the NPC red envelope." Huang Keqiang said, is a really excellent work, big red envelope is the boss's recognition and awards; The second more luck, the boss decided to dismiss him,parajumpers, ask him to another to seek another job,air jordan pas cher, so give some "leave money. Chicken legs are most afraid of the boss folder During the meeting,hollister, focused their attention on the chopsticks, how to identify their own backbone or go it Huang Keqiang said that the employees have to get a red envelope glued During the meeting, the boss chopsticks,ralph lauren. The boss himself a chicken leg clamp to the front of their own, do not say anything to each other should be a tacit understanding, "tomorrow you will not be used to go to work",mulberry. Huang Keqiang explained,hollister, chicken is a homonym of "home" in the words of the South, the boss Please eating chicken is to ask you the meaning of home. While the chicken leg is the most delicious part of the whole chicken, boss clip the drumstick for employees mean is "Please Hello delicious meal and then on the road". Edition of the author / reporter Tao Lobster mapping / Xiao Xiao

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the most popular microblogging. Immediately

's first judicial administrative system microblogging conference hall - Sichuan judicial government microblogging Hall of Sina microblogging exclusive on-line,hollister. It is reported that the conference hall has a collection of over 100 judiciary microblogging future will play a huge role in the publicity and political interaction,mercurial vapor. February 2 this year,mulberry, Sichuan Province Justice Department opened in Sina official microblogging @ Sichuan judicial So far 3928 has been released microblogging,ralph lauren pas cher, which "by Case" series,ralph lauren, the most popular microblogging,abercrombie france. Immediately, in the Sichuan Province,lancel, Department of Justice,moncler, led by the Prison Administration of Sichuan Province,abercrombie, Chengdu 15 City, State Bureau of Justice,polo ralph lauren, and part of the county Bureau of Justice has opened official microblogging,mulberry outlet, the Sichuan judicial administrative microblogging grow to more than 100,longchamp. In order to play the role of the administration of justice microblogging,hollister, Sichuan Province,hermes, Department of Justice United Sina integration of all the province's judicial and administrative microblogging build Sichuan judicial government microblogging released Hall (address

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very introverted. However

' comments introverted Panmou, grew up in Qiubei County said the town said Village Ah blocking Laozhai. After graduating from junior high school in the town's secondary schools, Panmou outstanding achievements admitted to the county, and became one of the top class. Qin teachers have taught over three years Panmou languages ​​memories,mulberry, Panmou results belong to the middle class under,abercrombie. The students usually quiet, very introverted. However, like most rural students, Panmou is quite hard in learning, and also more disciplined. To 3 years, the memory of the Qin teacher he seems to have never committed any error, so the teacher has never criticized him,mercurial vapor. The Pan class teacher Li Liao teacher also confirmed this statement. Panmou September 2008 to enter the third year science tutorial (1) class, moderate level due to his performance in the class, plus his usual unruly, the kind caused teachers to pay special attention to the "gray students. " More than six months into the school, he has never taken the initiative to talk with the teacher, communicated, usually in the campus to see the teacher will only detour. In addition to the day of the incident, he let the students help leave, not on the study, he never invited false, not to mention late and leave early. When the police arrested Panmou,longchamp, identify inform Li. Li said he was feeling very complex,parajumpers, both saddened and a little can not believe he did not want to understand how this seemingly unremarkable docile students, even as a cruel way to kill Zhaohua Wu teacher. Students the impression a little melancholy eyes of the students in the Pend Panmou is a person willing to help others,hollister. Sharing a dormitory with Panmou, is at the same table. The Pend the student said Panmou not like sports activities,hermes, most of the spare time to stay in the classroom reading. On one occasion, the father of a classmate of the same dormitory to the school, the students of the father's attitude is not good enough. Panmou stand up and accused the students should not be rude to his own father, and gave that students punch. Pend impression Panmou only time friction with classmates. Xiaopeng said the accident that night, Panmou call, said he was uncomfortable petit Peng helped him leave. Who would have thought, so much in the evening. Students little money know Panmou two years, said a few days before the incident occurred, Panmou seemed a bit melancholy, when they thought it was because the test results in Panmou is not resulting in a bad mood. The little money that he should Panmou school good friends,abercrombie, but associate with him for more than two years time, he had never heard Panmou filed his things at home, but do not know he Zhaohua Wu teacher What grudge. Parents in the eyes were normal yesterday afternoon, the reporter arrived at 33 km from the county Ah Du the old Walled Panmou the home. House gathered more than 20 who heard about the comfort Panmou parents and relatives, friends. That reporters had come, Panmou father Pan Xianxiang inquire about his son's recent first reporter: "I heard that he wanted to commit suicide Heard that he was ready to run home ......" The wall of the house, covered with pan previously received various awards. Time is the 2002-2005 Panmou junior high school period. Room in Panmou in the main room next to the room in addition to a dilapidated bed outside, is piled up at the foot of the bed a pile of used textbooks. Drawer clutter piled up a bunch of dilapidated electrical parts,piumini moncler. "This doll is seen in the stockade elders on the initiative to say hello, polite people, especially." Said an elderly grandmother. Panxian Xiang said, Panmou interested on electrical appliances at home when nothing like some bad electrical apart to learn to repair. Panxian Xiang said, Panmou college entrance exam last year, 440 were admitted to the province's two universities. But Panmou ambition to go to Beijing to the provinces to university, so he did not go to the report, choosing instead to repeat. The Panxian Xiang said the son would most like on the Civil Aviation University of China. In the week before the incident occurred Sunday, Panmou back home once he was eating while reading a book at home, have not seen any abnormal signs,lancel. Disclose the hidden secrets had to battle the Pan Xianxiang come up with a written material written two years ago, and reveals some of the hidden secrets. Panxian Xiang said he had intended to use this material go to court Zhaohua Wu et al, but later,oakley lunettes, under the persuasion of the relatives, he did not have to sue. In in Pan Xianxiang of this material, recorded in June 2007, he then hit the Ins and Outs of altercation with the same village,hollister, Lee (Zhaohua Wu Yimei). Accordance with argument of Pan Xianxiang, On the generational, Lee is his elders, his usual call Lee When he and Lee speech substandard quarrel, quarrel, he spit phlegm onto the ground, Lee phlegm taking to his face, and he will be one of the Lee push Tanabe ditch. Lee diatribe he went home. After about a week, Lee with her husband, brother-in-law, brother-in-law and others came to Pan Xianxiang home, the Pan Xianxiang beaten. Most Pan Xianxiang can not accept is that the reason they beat him, is Pan Xianxiang attempted rape Lee! The front of the children, Panxian Xiang is called a "rapist". Perhaps, from that time, Panmou on Zhaohua Wu hatred. Pan Xianxiang figure out, however, that it almost two years,hollister uk, children never mention of this at home, and this situation two years son seriously reading,hollister, he seems to have forgotten the matter. Why, after two years, the son will order it or kill it Certainly what way to stimulate him ...... "Pan Xianxiang guess so. Reporter Su Zhong Jiang Tiancan / text (Spring City Evening News)

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kissed what to say

's Day, Zhou said the city has to work overtime, do not come back in the evening for dinner. And as usual, waiting for his wife Yang Jing at home. 22:00,hermes, a hasty phone call came,ralph lauren, Zhoucheng wounded in action in arresting suspects, has been sent to the Central Hospital intensive care unit. Phone not linked, Yang Jing's mind is a blank, she hurried to the hospital, in the emergency room to see a pair of full blood shoes. "I only feel chest sank, said Yang Jing tears in my eyes. Week the city out from the intensive care room the sentence actually asked his wife, "caught yet " Yang Jing said fiercely: "You are so, also think so much." Angry normalized angry, but Yang static do not blame him, as his wife, she was very clear: "Do not jump, he would not Zhoucheng,hollister uk. His mind at work,air jordan, basic things at home regardless of the 9-year-old son, he did not give him washed a bath, unwashed clothes. "Married for so many years, Yang Jing overall feel," he told work than me. " Son: Dad to recover life-saving money of others, "the father can stand up it " To see the injured Zhoucheng sensible son and did not cry, he asked the mother aside,piumini moncler, then went to the father next, kissed what to say: "Dad, you have a good keep good health." Zhoucheng son remember the end of 2008,parajumpers, a Bobo Ti with a bunch of stuff came home, when his father was not at home. Uncle told him, "I came to thank you Dad, he cheated money for me to recover, it is a life-saving money!" The original Zhou City and his comrades one cracked a fraud,abercrombie france, to recover 50,000 diverse victim to take the money of the dialysis treatment. Colleagues: thief, his most "Pa Man" In fact, next to the stairs away from him, but up to 5 meters, in order to let the suspect ran away, he decided to jump from the 5-meter-high window sill, the stiff concrete floor,longchamp. Xiangtan City the Yuhu Public Security Bureau Lands and room police Yang Zhi told reporters. The eyewitness, Mr. Wang said, "I was holding him, a pool of blood on the ground, he shouted colleagues, leave him, fast chase people and I said to him, you jumped what to do,oakley lunettes, and you cry, we help you grasp on the line,hollister. "" At work, he is the tyrant was pretty, Xiangtan Yuhu District Interpol chief Zhu Yang evaluate the subordinates. In order to solve the case, Zhoucheng often work through the night, several days without sleep. The eve of the Spring Festival this year, Yuhu District continuous occurrence of the several robberies taxi case,mercurial vapor. Early detection,hollister, Zhoucheng led teammates in the case of a high incidence lots consecutive months of waiting for more than 10 days,abercrombie france. The control efforts carry out Mopai and stolen goods, the police finally cracked this series of the robbery taxi case start from the robbed mobile phones and other items,polo ralph lauren.

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​​the surrounding residents room dilapidated buildings. Collapse near the 185 residents, 452 were all safely evacuated. Yesterday afternoon, the reporter learned from the Civil Affairs Bureau of Yulin City, As of now, the city of Yulin leaving a total of 41.3 million people in 12 counties were affected, the death tolls of 18 people, 12 people missing; area of ​​54,372 hectares of crops were affected,air jordan; 1507 houses collapsed; direct economic losses 633 million yuan, 430 million yuan of agricultural losses. The Yulin civil affairs department official said, the face of the disaster, the city, county and timely arrangements for payment of the level of disaster relief matching funds, to protect the basic livelihood of the masses no problem. Far, Yulin City, counties supporting the implementation of the relief funds at the same level of 9,oakley lunettes.633 million yuan, of which 2.333 million yuan of municipal,hollister, county of 7.3 million yuan. Affect highway Yulin City Link severely damaged Yulin City Roads Authority responsible person, 302 provincial highway 204 Provincial Highway, State Road 210 in various sections of the severely damaged. July 27, 2011 22 Yokoyama city suffered flood season the first round of heavy rain, accompanied by thunder and lightning, the Hengshan temple town six towns have been hit by torrential rain attacks,abercrombie. After the storm, the Yokoyama city roads blocked in varying degrees siltation, some sections embankment collapse phenomenon. Civil Aviation Yulin airport flight delays due to heavy rains, Yulin airport July 27 implementation of the plan of flight 20 classes, the actual implementation of the Flight 16 classes canceled four classes, the majority of flights are varying degrees of delay. July 28, Flight 22 classes. Yulin airport to remind the majority of travelers, and timely attention to weather changes, and master the flight dynamics. Yulin Airport Information Tel: 3862041. Railway station stranded resulting in 2300 more than 27 evening rainstorm station Yulin 4 trains late, the waiting room was once stranded up to 2,300 people, railway station had to open the second waiting room. Appease travelers emotional Yulin stationmaster Chao Weihai bow and apologize to stranded passengers. The train station broadcasting notify all delayed passengers with a refund, all for a full refund,mulberry outlet. Reflection gutter of disrepair small caliber are causing waterlogging Yulin city suffered heavy rainfall, causing urban trunk New Road, Changcheng Road, various hydrocephalus, the formation of waterlogging. Recalled the scene at that time "the most depth of 1.5 m, many vehicles are bulbs for nearly two hours. Floods into the car quickly diffuse to the knees,mulberry sale, if the water came in more ready abandoned the vehicle and fled." Mr. Zhao is very scared. Yulin City Flood Control Office official said, 27 Yulin City Center Plaza rainstorm Stations rainfall of 114.3 mm, the current the Yulin urban drainage can only withstand a rainfall of 80-90 mm. Yulin built-up area of ​​about 50 square kilometers, with a population of nearly 60 million. Drainage trunk pipeline network a total length of 263.5 km, including rainwater and sewage pipeline 200 kilometers long (diameter 30-50 cm cement pipes), the rainwater pipes 32 km long (mostly 60-100 cm diameter glass Sand Pipe), sewage pipes The 31.5 km long (mostly 40-100 cm diameter glass Sand Pipe). The Yulin City Flood Control Office director said Lau Chun rights, Yulin landforms something high, middle and low-lying rain likely to cause serious water city main road. Yulin less rainfall, urban drainage facilities do certainly not in place. "An old man lamented,mulberry. In this regard, the reporter has been confirmed from the Yulin City Flood Control Office,abercrombie france. Royal floor drains facilities fell into disrepair, the smaller diameter pipe leakage,mulberry outlet, multiple interfaces,abercrombie, causing the pavement to sink. "Urban flood control office staff, the city, there are three key of hidden sites: Sandaogou Bridge no drainage facilities,hollister, old drains fell into disrepair; the Xingfu Road drainage pipes subjected to prolonged sewage corrosion; Xing Zhong low-lying drainage facilities. Formed on the 1st of the Yellow River flood peak since the evening of July 26, heavy rainfall in Northern warning on the 1st of the Yellow River flood crest is expected this morning, the Shaanxi (Reporter correspondent Hao Lei Yang prop Kun) yesterday morning 7:36 to reach the Longmen hydrological station , peak flow of 7620 cubic meters per second (more than guarantee a flow of 7600 cubic meters per second), the biggest flood in 16 years. Expected flood peak out today 4:00 Shaanxi, yet caused no casualties. July 26, 2011 from 20 am to at 8:00 on the 28th, the province in northern Shaanxi northern three successive short duration, high intensity, magnitude rainstorm process, Yuyang, Yokoyama, Jingbian, the tree, Jiaxian, Mizhi, sub more than 50 mm of rainfall Chau 7 counties, 56 townships, 21 villages and towns of more than 100 millimeters. Affected by heavy rainfall in the Yellow River flood season for the first time super guarantee floods, Longmen station at 7:36 on the 28th peak flow of 7620 cubic meters per second, the largest flood since 1996. As of 7:00 last night, reporters press time, the flood of the Yellow River is within the reach of Weinan Heyang smooth evolution, is expected to be around at 4:00 on the 29th by Tongguan out of Shaanxi, floods yet caused no casualties. In response to the Yellow River flood crest, along the Yellow River in Weinan County (city) the well adequate preparation. Korean city sent along the Yellow River towns may be inundated three villages, about 1,100 people to evacuate to safe areas; The the Heyang closed Scenic Qiachuan, evacuation shoals production personnel and a total of 6133 passengers, set up warning signs; Dali evacuation the shoals production more than 7600; the Tongguan Close Huang, Wei, Los Sanhe production ferry and the Yellow River Scenic Area. The face of this the the rainstorm flood of the Yellow River Basin, the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, the provincial military commander Guo Jingzhou went to provincial military combat duty room asking flood development, requirements Shaan stationed troops and militia and reserve forces to strengthen combat readiness, and a really good job of fighting at any time to participate in the fight against floods preparation. Within 40 hours of 27 am and at 16:00 on the 28th, the Fangzong since continuous Weinan Shifang Zhi Yulin, Yan'an, and provincial units concerned 14 emergency Ming Chuan telegraph were conducted focus stressed deployment. Our correspondents on foot is expected to enter the the Jiaxian disaster area, the Elm good Highway reopened today Yulin days of torrential rain, causing elm good highway across the board 7 landslides. Jiaxian most township roads, electricity, phone signal interruption. Jiaxian: city water is still more difficult 8 o'clock yesterday morning, the reporter repeatedly seek enter JIAXIAN route blocked after two hours through a village roads around the into elm best Highway. Driving on the way reporters from time to time to see the mountain soil erosion poured on the road between the crops in the fields soaked in stagnant water in roadside Jialu water surge. River on both sides of crops submerged, the retreat of the water, silt turn crop coverage. Electrical repairs, telecommunications repair, road repair personnel from time to time by the roadside job. Jiaxian road repair personnel, elm good highway at noon today, is expected to resume traffic. Jiaxian city Residents said some local power outages, water is still more difficult. Royal acupuncture town: part of the village still no news at 11 am, the reporter entered Jiaxian County the royal Bianstone the town, according to the town party secretary Li Zhanming introduced, the royal 27 acupuncture town, village more than 14,000 people were affected,air jordan pas cher, the affected area of ​​7300 acres of farmland, causing direct economic a loss of $ 4,000 million. Reporters on foot several kilometers of mountain road, entering the town Zhangjia Village, has turned into a river leading to the village road. Village more than 80 dwelling houses along the ravine built, roads were damaged, power outages, no cell phone signal,tory burch uk, the villagers difficult and the outside world, the heavy rains have triggered floods destroyed the village motor-pumped wells, the villagers have only one day standing water. According to the royal the acupuncture town cadres, the town leading to various rural roads badly damaged,moncler, the bridge is thrust, there are still a number of villages lost contact. Through town: 22 km from the county seat, six collapsed 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon, reporters rushed to the JIAXIAN through town. Through town from JIAXIAN county is only 22 kilometers, the road, however, there have been 6 collapse, impassable. Local residents said the current county through town, or walk, or select the motorcycle, at least 3 hours. Town party secretary Li Yajun, an arid region through town, the heavy rainfall rare to incomplete statistics, more than more than 50 million property damage, fortunately no deaths reported. Fugu and salvage to the four remains reporters yesterday learned from the the Fugu County Flood Control and Rescue headquarters, from 26 to 28 days, after another salvage team in the lower reaches of the Yellow River Jiaxian, Suide and qingjian County, Fugu County government organizations salvage the four bodies, as of now, a total of salvage to 15 bodies, after initial recognition, which in the Yellow River JIAXIAN salvage to a man whose body was the Department of Fugu local cart driver and a body of a man from Inner Mongolia Zhungeer flag, the rest can not identify. This edition is in addition to a signed written intern by the reporter Songfei Hong Qi Ming Gao Yu Long Zhang Yunfei Yang Hu $

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in addition to workers

Wake up every day and think of their own money and loans from the bank that is owed money!" Peng Ran know the feeling of carrying a debt. "There is a mountain forest, nothing off the beaten track." Peng Ran said, the establishment of the poultry farm,hollister, no bed to sleep with haystacks a grass nest to sleep in the inside. Old as I am,hollister, for the first time every day, slept grass nest,hollister, this taste,moncler, you will never forget. Chicken farm built and bought eggs, and the help of the master, the chicks hatched. "Chicks want to stay in the 37 to 38 ℃ incubator room." Said Peng Ran, voltage instability, in order to ensure the incubator room uninterruptible power supply, and workers they will not dare to open the electric heaters. Temperature several degrees below zero during the Spring Festival,hollister, we lay in bed,tory burch outlet, cold sleep, got up to the hatching room visits to observe the growth of the chicks. The open sports car Changan sad or lonely. Chicken farm scenery is very good, but quiet people get flustered, in addition to workers, there is no other person. The phone went dead, the network is disconnected,mulberry outlet. This allows small to big life in the city, Peng contingent is not suited. "Now,air jordan, I can only say, I have adapted to this kind of life." Said Pang Ran. In a chicken farm, own sports car rarely touching their, replaced by a more practical Changan trucks,mercurial. Learn from the parents, the father of entrepreneurial experience repeatedly warned to pay attention to sales. Peng Ran and Li Xingyi no seriously. As a result,mulberry sale, when the slaughter reached 10,000, they panic. So many chickens will buy how to do "It makes me a few months I could not sleep,abercrombie." Said Peng Ran,mulberry outlet, an average of five months will be able to grow into a batch of chicken, millet,abercrombie france, corn fed big, but even the best chicken, no one to buy or becomes not a money . Bank loan on his head hanging. During that time, every day, get up at 4:00 in the morning to run sales, a chicken ready meals the next day until the evening back to the farms. "The people are tired deformed." Said Peng Ran, fortunately now sell open,air jordan pas cher. "I finally know parents entrepreneurial hard to come by." Peng Ran said, he would chicken farm as a career, to do it to grow up. Chongqing Morning News reporter Feng Chao

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but he toughed it out. On rice to eat in the school

's main source of income to rely on to grow cotton and wheat. Zheng Feng Jun said, "Watching parents in poor health, I boss did not want to go to school,oakley, school teachers retain me,lancel." Teacher's encouragement eventually the Zheng Feng Jun dispel the idea of ​​dropping out of school,mulberry outlet. Zheng Feng Jun, Hebei Tourism Vocational College English Department admission brother Cheng Peng-fei year professional Chengde Medical College admission. ■ night classes after picking up the mineral water bottles sell for money,hollister uk, although admitted to the university, but the two brothers but how can not be happy, and a total of 10,000 yuan of tuition for family guilty of worry. Get the admission notice late,abercrombie, the brothers missed the opportunity to apply for a national student loan,longchamp. September 3rd, brother Cheng Peng-fei, the first day of school, home 1,mulberry sale,000 yuan of money to the brothers, brother Zheng Feng Jun to send him to school,abercrombie france, and apply for a deferment or tuition formalities,hollister, and Zheng Feng Jun 1000 dollars left to his younger brother. September 10,hollister, the to Cheng Feng Jun, the first day of school, he only Chuaizhuo 200 dollars to reports. Pocket only to pay the cost of 129 yuan, 71 yuan for living expenses. To save money, Zheng Feng Jun choice do not eat breakfast. But the nascent high intensity military training, or let this young man hungry to see stars, but he toughed it out. On rice to eat in the school, Cheng Feng Jun eyes took aim at the school trash. So night after 9:30 the next night classes, he will be one by one to find mineral water bottles in the trash and treasure them all collected,mercurial vapor. This scene so that the same school of Design junior Wang Xinyu accidentally discovered. Wang Xinyu, told reporters, "When I learned that he had come to school with only 200 yuan, and rely on picking up a bottle of mineral water of life, I can not believe I was a strong shock." ■ "I will bite persevered" Ziqiang Zheng Feng Jun moved canteen operators, they decided to provide a work in the cafeteria to help, and as a reward, Cheng Feng Jun free in the cafeteria to eat two meals. Daily 11:30 Zheng Feng Jun ran to North hospital school after the Southern Branch canteen, been dry around 14:00, in the evening from 17:30 to 19:00, the main living rinse bowl Once the work was done and sweeping, and chefs dinner. From Monday to the weekend, Zheng Feng Jun never stopped. Wang Xinyu help juniors, Cheng Feng Jun, every weekend, but also to the campus helped to send two prints, for a total of about 2,abercrombie france,000 kilos a month, they can earn a little money, but the money earned by Zheng Feng Jun distance he the tuition owed very far. These days,mulberry, Influenza A (H1N1) in University City,abercrombie, Hebei Tourism Vocational College seal the school, the Zheng Feng Jun had temporarily stopped to go to work to the Southern Branch of the manual labor. Cheng Feng Jun said he now mainly rely on picking up bottles of mineral water daily to the campus for cash. Face of difficulties, Zheng Feng Jun is still optimistic: "rural children to college is not easy, the only knowledge can change fate, I will adhere to teeth down."

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