The Castle

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A special PvP game made to pit guilds against each other so that the strongest guild in the server could rise on top.

The game consists of a rectangular land, with a castle in the middle, enclosed by a moat. There are four bridges that allow access to the Inner Castle. The playing field has 4 entry points in the game (they are the points of recovery).

Entrance into the game is in Fragotown, the Archer's County, in north-western corner of the town. Coordinates: (-75, -25)




The winner is the guild with the most points at the end of the game. One point per second is award to the guild for each member standing within the inner walls of the Castle.

Scoring Zone

Generally, points are awarded from standing inside the walls of the Castle. However, there are some areas known to be excluded from the score zone. Counting 3 spaces upward from the lower wall, that region does not award points. Therefore, stand on the 4th space and upward. Furthermore, locating the broken wheel cart on the top right of the Inner Castle, spaces past 1 space from the right of that cart will not award points.

Therefore, the scoring zone can be imagined as a square, with the top + left inner walls as the top + left boundaries, and the imaginary spaces described above as right and bottom boundaries.


The name of the guild that captured the most points in castle will be displayed on a special statue, installed in the center of Fragotown.

Purple Signs

Guild members of guilds in the following placements will receive the corresponding number of purple signs as reward:

  • 1st Place: 150 Purple Signs
  • 2nd Place: 100 Purple Signs
  • 3rd Place: 90 Purple Signs
  • 4th and Lower: 50 Purple Signs

Entry Into Royal Feuds (Castle-2)


The game is played once a week on Saturdays at 21:00.

The game has no limit on the number of participants.

The size of the group is the usual - 10 people group, but each guild can create more than one group. In general, there is no limit on the number of participants from each guild.

Victory is calculated as:
1. In a test area is considered the number of people and are elected by the guild with a maximum.
1.1. If this maximum - zero, it is considered a draw.
1.2. If such a guild - it is a winner.
1.3. If such a guild, then they turn into p.2.
2. It is the sum of levels of people for guilds, selected in paragraph one. Selects the guild with a minimum level.
2.1. If such a guild - it is a winner.
2.2. If such a guild, then they go in Section 3.
3. We believe the number of deaths for all the characters they play, which are in the test zone. Choosing a guild with a minimum amount of deaths.
3.1. If such a guild - it is a winner.
3.2. If more than one - nobody.


In a test area at the time of completion of the game were four guilds: A, B, C, D, as follows:
Guild A: 4 65h-level died 1 time.
Guild B: 4 59h level, died 1 time.
Guild: 4 59h-level, 2 died 1 time and 2 never.
Guild F: 3 59h-level, 2 died 1 time and 1 never.

1. Select the guild with the highest number of fighters: A, B, B. If a single managed to bring one more soldier - she would have won.
2. We believe the amount of levels. Obviously, the guild And flies. Remaining B and C. Again, if even one 59ka was below the level - it would have won the guild.
3. We believe the amount of deaths: 4 and 2. V. Wins Guild

If she wins the winners, who are in the test zone receive a commemorative prizes and the title of their guild adorns the statue in the center of Fragorska until the next game.

In the case of a tie: a call does not get anyone on the statue is the name of the winner of the previous game.

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