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Image:Wizard.PNG‎ Wizard specializes in the powerful healing spells, restoring large volume of health, removing harmful effects from the group and strengthening companions-in-arms. It performs the role of the Healer "tank", adds to the group of health and mana and also it can revive the fallen companions group on the spot. Healer can select the sub-class Wizard at level 31.

Icon Name Function Description
Image:Resurrection.png Resurrection With 50% chance, the dead group member will rise having 50% health and mana The member of group with 50% of health and mana raises
Image:Gen_reg.png General Regeneration Is restored health gradually in entire period of action, the time of action of the deafening, dazzling and disorienting effects decreases The spell of healing, whose effect they will extend in the time. A quantity of healed health depends on extra magic damage. It acts on 3 friendly purposes. The time of action of negative effects is reduced. Radius of action - high.
Image:Life_restoration.png Life Restoration Immediately restores large amount of health Very good healing spell. Its healing amount is depended on the extra magic damage
Image:Better_healing.png Better Healing Heal large number of health and has a chance to remove Deafening or another lasting harmful effect. More effective than usual healing has chance to remove negative effect from the target. A quantity of healed health depends on extra magic damage.
Image:Full_restore.png Full Restoration The forces of life restore the large volume of health and mana of target. Is restored a significant quantity of health and polygon of purpose, a quantity depends on additional loss by magic.

Skills of the Wizard

Level of character 31

  • Resurrection level 1

Level of character 40

  • General Regeneration level 1

Level of character 44

  • General Regeneration level 2

Level of character 48

  • Life Restoration level 1

Level of character 50

  • General Regeneration level 3

Level of character 52

  • Life Restorationlevel 2
  • Better Healing level 1

Level of character 54

  • Life Restoration level 3

Level of character 58

  • Full Restoration level 1

Level of [personadzha] 65

  • Full Restoration level 2
  • Life Restoration level 4
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