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== the Ryukyu Islands and the Diaoyu Islands ==
's high-profile occupation of the Diaoyu Islands in the behind-the-scenes attempt to April 16, Japan's Tokyo Governor Shintaro Ishihara to speak in Washington suddenly said that he has and the Diaoyu Islands in the so-called "owners" Kurihara family 谈拢 let "Tokyo will 'buy' Diaoyu Islands. " The Ishihara statements Diaoyu Islands issue heating up again. Subsequently, the Government of Japan to prevent Tokyo Metropolitan "Share" Island undermine Sino-Japanese relations, the name of speeding up the pace of the "nationalization" of the Diaoyu Islands. September 11, the Japanese government and the Kurihara family formally signed the contract, the price of 2.05 billion yen "bought" the Diaoyu Islands. The Japanese government "nationalization" of the Diaoyu Islands farce, Shintaro Ishihara and Yoshihiko Noda government on the surface due to the "competition" island and each has its own political aspirations, but they are illegal to steal the Diaoyu Islands intention is the same. Diaoyu Islands in the so-called "owner" of the Kurihara family, took the opportunity up for grabs, and access to the huge economic benefits. Ishihara, son of the opportunity to host Shintaro Ishihara by their late mother, in order to reap the Diaoyu Islands, Kurihara home and out to pull strings and the Kurihara family has a 30-year friendship Members Shandong Zhao sub from. The Island speech "Share April 16, Ishihara mentioned on various occasions," purchase Island "to involve when" Share island ", how much they cost to purchase Island", instigated right-wing politicians, for the behavior of the "Share" Island to drum up support. Ishigaki, Okinawa Prefecture, Japan, the mayor of Zhongshan Elan held talks with Governor Shintaro Ishihara, claimed to agree with purchase Island plan and is willing to provide assistance. The LDP Young Turks on behalf of one of the Osaka Mayor Toru Hashimoto think Ishihara Diaoyu Islands "nationalization" detonating agent, he said: "If Ishihara did not make such action, the State will never be the problem of the lid open and take positive action. "announced" Share island Declaration of Tokyo set up the account, called on the public donations to buy the island. As of August 14, 90007 one thousand donations, a total of 1.4 billion yen fund-raising money. On July 6, the Japanese government announced the "nationalization" of the Diaoyu Islands. Shintaro Ishihara but reaction was muted, he thinks, Noda regime suddenly announced the "nationalization" of the Diaoyu Islands is "Bo popularity. Democratic Party has been chaos into group" Japanese media quoted the Tunghai University oceanography professor Shan Tian Jiyan saying, "Ishihara to 'government do, you let in Tokyo do 'to threaten the government, coupled with political chaos, to re-establish a new conservative political forces in Japan and the Diaoyu Islands is a good topic. "Shintaro Ishihara, the son of the LDP secretary general Ishihara Akira stretch the public speech, said the Japanese government should not be involved in the "buy" Diaoyu Islands matters, and Noda, under the leadership of the Democratic Party questioned. 55-year-old Ishihara Akira stretch is the the LDP president elect of competitors. Fuji TV program on September 2, when it comes to his son to run for president of the Liberal Democratic Party, Shintaro Ishihara, through television said to his son: "If elected president of the Liberal Democratic Party in Tokyo, Share island guidelines, after which we must properly deal with the Diaoyu Islands issue. Noda shape the "tough" image from August, the Japanese Prime Minister's official residence bypass Ishihara, directly with the Kurihara family negotiations. On August 22, the Japanese government refused landed on the island to investigate the application of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government. The reason is that Kurihara "owner" of the country from "landing consent applications submitted in Tokyo, the Japanese government concluded that, the negotiations between the the Tokyo Metropolitan 岛主" out of the question. Therefore, the Japanese government decided to immediately raise prices to 2.05 billion yen, and the the Kurihara family eventually agreed to the island directly "sell" the Japanese government. Japanese media said the government laissez-faire, Tokyo the "Share island", criticized the "weak" voice Noda regime will become increasingly large. Noda regime support rate consumption tax increases and restart the nuclear power plant remains in the doldrums, the Diaoyu Islands "nationalization" has become the biggest card of the regime in the hands of the Democratic Party. Kurihara Family "fame and fortune" from brother in Kurihara Kurihara, Hiroyuki said in an interview, "not to sell the island 'subsequent emergence of' the Japanese government." Later facts proved that they signed a contract with the Japanese government. Why is this  The Japanese government said they are "the nationalization concept" and "money" that move Kurihara family. Japanese media analysts believe that the Tokyo Metropolitan Government to raise 1.4 billion yen, but the asking price of 2.05 billion yen, and the Japanese government still has some distance. Kurihara family also worried that, if the use of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government's finances to purchase the island will encounter some difficulties. Therefore, the final choice to sell the island to the Japanese government. This Island "Share" farce, the Kurihara family not only up for grabs, Kurihara, Hiroyuki also build on the progress released a book called "Sale of the Diaoyu Islands", "fame and fortune". Illegal control the Diaoyu Islands Memorabilia Diaoyu Island and its affiliated islands including the Diaoyu Islands, yellow tail Island, Akao Island, South Island, North Island and other islands, since ancient times in China's inherent territory. Published in the year 1403, "wind both hands", "Fujian Chinese island en route to the Ryukyu" Fishing Island "and" Chikan Island "today's Diaoyu Islands, Akao clearly documented. 1879 after the annexation of the Ryukyu immediate expansion of the tentacles stretch China's Diaoyu Islands. The 1884 Japanese Koga Chen Shiro claimed that the Diaoyu Islands for the first time and found the island uninhabited island. Japanese cabinet secrets passed a resolution in January 1895, the Diaoyu Islands and other islands of Okinawa Prefecture, was placed under the jurisdiction of, at the same time decided to establish signage in the Diaoyu Islands, was incorporated into Japanese territory. April 1895, the Qing government and Japan signed the Treaty of Shimonoseki, ceding Taiwan and its affiliated islands to Japan. Since then, the Diaoyu Islands and the long separation of the motherland, are still in Japan usurped. 1932 Koga Yoshitsugu Shiro's son, Chen, Koga "purchase" the four islands in the Diaoyu Islands. The family industry on the Diaoyu Islands in World War II, the Middle HE bankruptcy basically uninhabited island from 1940. In December 1943, Japan and China, the United States and Britain issued the Cairo Declaration clearly states: "Japan has stolen from the territory of China, returned to China." August 15, 1945, Japan announced its acceptance of the Potsdam Proclamation and unconditional surrender. Diaoyu Islands as subsidiary islands of Taiwan, it should also be returned to China, but Japan still forcibly occupied the island. September 8, 1951, the United States in the case exclude China and Japan concluded the San Francisco Peace Treaty, provisions of latitude 29 degrees south of the southwestern islands, hosted by the United Nations, the United States as the only policy authorities. September 18, 1951, the Chinese government solemnly declared, "San Francisco Peace Treaty" illegal, invalid,louboutin, hosted by the United States as determined by the Peace of islands including the Diaoyu Islands. June 17, 1971, the United States and Japan signed the "Agreement on the Ryukyu Islands and the Daito Islands, the Ryukyu Islands and the Diaoyu Islands," Shi regime "illegal" return "to Japan. The date of the establishment of diplomatic relations in 1972. Zhou Enlai proposed the the Diaoyu islands attribution hang up, leave it in the future when conditions are ripe and then solve. And Japan signed the Treaty of Peace and Friendship in 1978. Deng Xiaoping said that the Diaoyu Islands issue can be left to gradually solved in the future. 1970s Diaoyu Island "because of the the Koga family no, Kurihara Guoqi, Kurihara, Hiroyuki such as three siblings to spend $ 400,000 to buy." Japan on the Diaoyu Islands in 1979 to build a heliport, representations and protests across the Taiwan Strait to Japan. 1990 Japan Youth Association built the lighthouse on the Diaoyu Islands, once again raised the Diaoyutai wave. By the Territorial Sea and the Contiguous Zone "in 1992, stated that the Diaoyu Islands and other islands are Chinese territory, Japan proposed a" protest ". In July 1996, the Japan Youth Association set a lighthouse on the Diaoyu Islands new. China's Foreign Ministry expressed "grave concern" strong protest across the Taiwan Strait. May 1997 for the Japanese right-wing politicians of the New Progressive Party Rep,abercrombie outlet. Nishimura Shingo illegally boarded the Diaoyu Islands, Sino-Japanese relations waves again. October 2002 the Japanese government and Kurihara siblings signed "lease" Diaoyu Islands deed, rent for 22 million yen,hollister. By the 918 Patriotic network in China in December 2003, Patriot federated held in Xiamen Global Chinese Diaoyu Islands Forum, decided to set up the Federation of Chinese folk Diaoyu Islands. August 15, 2012 14 Diaoyu Diaoyu Islands Action Committee of Hong Kong and his entourage, the Diaoyu Islands boat ride from Hong Kong, "Richland II declared sovereignty over the Diaoyu Islands waters. September 10, 2012, the Chinese government issued a statement, announced the baselines of the territorial sea of ​​the Diaoyu Islands. At the same time, the Chinese fishery boats in the waters of the Diaoyu Islands to carry out the normalization law enforcement cruise. Illegally in Japan. "Nationalization" of the Diaoyu Islands process ● April 16 Japanese Tokyo Governor Shintaro Ishihara speech in the United States, claiming: Tokyo Diaoyu Islands "property rights" are planned during the year to buy. ● April 18, Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda Ishihara announced "bought" the Diaoyu Islands plan said I do not know its true,abercrombie. ● April 27, 2011 in Tokyo, Japan has set up a fundraising account called on the people to donations for the purchase of Island plan. ● 6 Shintaro Ishihara said Japan Tokyo Metropolitan Government purchased the island of fundraising account total has exceeded 1 billion yen (about 80.84 million yuan). ● 7 月 Japanese government plans to "purchase" the Diaoyu Islands in the three islands, and nationalized. Senior government officials to Ishihara convey the principle of "nationalization". ● 7 Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda said that Japan's central government plans to achieve the fastest will be the end of September on the Diaoyu Islands "nationalization". ● 7 月 15 Japanese Ambassador to China Niwa Uichiro Earlier oppose the Japan authorities "nationalization" of the Diaoyu Islands, China remarks summoned home. ● 7 月 24, 2011, Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda said that the Government has begun to raise the budget, the official start of the the Diaoyu Islands nationalization program in Congress,hollister deutschland. ● 9 月 Japanese government says will be convening the relevant cabinet members to the 11th meeting of the coordination formalized the Diaoyu Islands "nationalization" policy. ● 9 月 5, the Government of Japan and the Diaoyu Islands, "the owner of the land rights agreement, the two sides agreed to 2.05 billion yen (about 170 million yuan) share the island. ● 10 day government conference decided to "buy" the principle of the Diaoyu Islands, the Chinese government announced the baselines of the territorial sea of ​​the Diaoyu Islands. ● 9 月 11, the Government of Japan and the Diaoyu Islands, the so-called "owners" Kurihara family formally signed a "contract of sale" of the island, the purchase amount to 2.05 billion yen. ■ expert interpretation of "the date of the local right-wing is an occasion to build" analysts believe that the right-wingers "coerced" Noda at the Diaoyu Islands issue as a political card to fight to keep power. Foreign Affairs University, said Japan expert Yong-Sheng Zhou, Ishihara as a well-known right-wing, its director purchased Island farce to gain political capital for himself and his son,piumini moncler. Ishihara's son Ishihara Akira stretch the incumbent secretary general of Japan's Liberal Democratic Party. Tsinghua University Japan expert USSR also believes that the current political instability in Japan, the ruling Democratic Party and the opposition Liberal Democratic Party's public support rate is very low to build local right-wing forces in Japan, and gradually form a "third pole" of the new trends. Ishihara is to take advantage of the Diaoyu Islands issue show its existence,hollister, gathered popularity with the nationalist sentiments led to local forces in Japan join forces with the right-wing forces in Congress to win the next House of Representatives election. The reason why the Japanese government "with the" the Tokyo propulsion buy Island, Yong-Sheng Zhou, diplomatic, Japan, Korea and Russia, "island dispute" totally defeated the Noda government needs a way to enhance the support rate. Analysts believe that the face of the downturn in support for the general election pressure, Noda government will not hesitate Diaoyu Islands issue as a political card to play, to expect to keep power. ■ Why Diaoyu Islands "living" Rise of the United States secretly helped the Japanese controlled island of Diaoyu Islands has always been China's territory, after the defeat of Japan, the breach of an international treaty, refused to return to the Diaoyu Islands. The help of the United States, the Japanese side is by folk illegal "loan", "buy", conniving right-wing landed on the island and other means to gradually strengthen control over the Diaoyu Islands. Currently, dozens of ships of the Japan Coast Guard patrol boats and more than 10 aircraft will Diaoyu Islands illegally control. In 1895, the Qing government unequal treaties signed with Japan Treaty of Shimonoseki, ceding Taiwan and its affiliated islands. Since then, the Diaoyu Islands and the long separation of the motherland. In 1945, Japan accepted the Potsdam Proclamation, announced its unconditional surrender. Article 8 of the Potsdam Proclamation, "Cairo Declaration shall be carried out". "Cairo Declaration" clearly stipulates that Japan stolen from the territory of China, must be returned. But the return of Taiwan,hollister, Japan, is still usurped its affiliated islands the Diaoyu Islands. In September 1951, Japan and the United States privately signed the San Francisco Peace Treaty, the Ryukyu Islands by the United States hosted. In 1953, the United States released the "the Ryukyu archipelago geographic realm", the Diaoyu Islands is also covered in In 1971, Japan and the United States to sign the return of Okinawa Agreement, including the Diaoyu islands are classified as "the return of the area, allowed Japan to continue the illegal control over the Diaoyu Islands. Therefore, the United States has played a big role on the Japanese occupation of the Diaoyu Islands. The rightwing frequency landed on the island to "build flag after Okinawa was returned to Japan on the Diaoyu Islands, the illegal controlled mainly by the Japan Coast Guard is responsible for the Japanese right-wing, step by step" to help "the Japanese government. In May 1978, the right-wing groups "Japan sincere" World War II's first landing on the Diaoyu Islands. In August of the same year, the right-wing groups, the Japan Youth Association "in the establishment of the lighthouse on the Diaoyu Islands. In May 1979, the Japan Coast Guard personnel and equipment to the Diaoyu Islands and the construction of the heliport. Solemn protest in China, the Japanese government quit,hollister france. In 1996, the Japan Youth Association in the construction of the second island of the North Lighthouse. In May 1997, for the congressman's right-wing politicians Nishimura Shingo illegally boarded the Diaoyu Islands,-Japan relations Zaixianbolan. In April 2000, a member of the Japan Youth Association once again boarded the Diaoyu Islands, the construction of a so-called "shrine", I landed on the island "Diaoyu Islands" who dismantled in 2004,moncler outlet. In May 2001, a member of the right-wing groups, "The Japanese will" land on the island, in 2005, the Coast Guard "nationalization" Japan Youth Association, the establishment of the lighthouse on the Diaoyu Islands. Since then, the Coast Guard in order to further strengthen the island control will be based in the regular number of patrol boats for the waters increased from two to three, also allocated from the Japan Air Self-Defense Force helicopter air patrols. In 2009, Japan began a permanent large patrol boats in the waters of the Diaoyu Islands. Currently, the Japan Coast Guard eleventh district illegal control over the Diaoyu Islands, the jurisdiction of total ship 21 largest patrol ship displacement of 4,000 tons, and can carry a helicopter equipped with a 40 mm cannon. In addition to ship six of the 11th District aircraft, helicopters 5. Previously I Diaoyu Islands to board the Diaoyu Islands, the Japanese side on to spend dozens of ships, containment Diaoyu Islands boat. The transfer of "ownership" of the conspiracy Japanese occupation of the Diaoyu Islands, and also by the "ownership" of the circulation of the island to show its actual control. According to the Japanese side claimed that after Japan illegally occupying the Diaoyu Islands, a businessman named the Koga Chen Shiro from the hands of the Meiji government, free access to the four islands of Diaoyu Islands, the 30-year leasehold. Allegedly, Koga was mainly the Diaoyu Islands as the bonito of processing and collecting albatross feathers. 1932, Koga's son "bought" the four islands. In World War II, ancient Jiali bankruptcy on the Diaoyu Islands "industry", from 1940, the island uninhabited. Japanese media said the 70s of the last century, due to ancient Jiali no, Kurihara country since Hiroyuki Kurihara three siblings spend $ 400,000 to "buy" the four islands, including yellow tail Island in the 1970s "rent to the Japanese government. In October 2002, the Japanese government and Kurihara siblings signed a "loan" the Diaoyu Islands in the rest of Mishima's contract, the rent of 22 million yen annually renewed every year. According to the principles of law "illegal acts can not produce legitimate rights", the initial occupation of the Japanese fishing islands belong to the illegal occupation of unequal treaties. Japan on the Diaoyu Islands issue for the pilot to "civil behavior", resulting in a "de facto control" fait accompli, and then followed by a "loan", "take over", "nationalization" of the so-called "government action" to be gradually The international community recognizes. However, in view of the illegal fishing islands claim of sovereignty and occupation of behavior, Japan, a series of so-called "government action" from the beginning that no legal effect. Freelance writer / Yang Dong (scholars) A10-A11 version written (except for signature outside) / Beijing News reporter Zhang Yingqian Chu Mei Han Xuyang mapping letter brilliant high / Yu Guo</p><p>
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"Chen Yue very surprised

'real' and 'not true' ,abercrombie! "Chen Yue very surprised," When in the course of the investigation, the school tradition construction views of the Committee or the state, we work more difficult is conceivable,hollister. "there is a case of the more witty Report. Someone reported that a University Professor Park fund projects, suspected plagiarism Jha papers. Fund Committee of Experts that no substantive differences in application and doctoral thesis,isabel marant, the the chapters essentially similar, multiple text identical, the goal is the same. The conclusion is that the application clearly plagiarized doctoral thesis,louboutin uk. The expert opinion of the school is that the application does not exist plagiarism Jha's papers, but with reference to the reporting process does,hollister, unfortunately,hollister france, is not listed in the References, belonging to academic norms. Even more surprising, turned out to be the plagiarist "good for evil. Park to find Jia,abercrombie outlet, he issued an instrument to prove that there is no plagiarism. They were plagiarist to the Fund Committee wrote the following letter: "Fund Committee,hollister deutschland, recently Park Professor find me to explain the fund the application suspected plagiarism my thesis regarding me, I have read his material seriously, the report on the situation as follows, his application form and framework of my PhD dissertation shape of miraculous, I inherited and deepen, improve and supplement my thesis, I initiate effective reach,hollister. the NSFC fund this project is a wise move, reflecting the NSFC foresight far-sighted strategic vision of the team is a good team, worthy of any. Piao He is the leader of the young scholars, I Yang to it before, but unfortunately its only love their only himself and the professor meet by chance, strangers , there is no transfer of benefits. "Fund The professor eventually be revoked, and asked to return the funds issued,hollister, canceled its five years of eligibility, and informed criticism. But not the real expert opinions and instructions made by the the plagiarist even well-known Professor, "We also do not have a way to carry out the punishment of those identified." Chen Yue feel helpless. In addition to the "perjury", and some experts received the Fund Committee identified commissioned directly "declined": "looking for someone else,abercrombie deutschland, and our small circle, bow to see the rise." From the NSFC statistics,abercrombie, the integrity of research cases is increasing every year. Why is the issue of the integrity of research high-fat Chen Yue, the key reason is that academic misconduct in China is still in the stage of low-risk, high-return, our punishment is far not in place,hollister, there is also a lack of education. (Reporter Liu Li Jia Jing)</p>

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the Ryukyu Islands and the Diaoyu Islands

's high-profile occupation of the Diaoyu Islands in the behind-the-scenes attempt to April 16, Japan's Tokyo Governor Shintaro Ishihara to speak in Washington suddenly said that he has and the Diaoyu Islands in the so-called "owners" Kurihara family 谈拢 let "Tokyo will 'buy' Diaoyu Islands. " The Ishihara statements Diaoyu Islands issue heating up again. Subsequently, the Government of Japan to prevent Tokyo Metropolitan "Share" Island undermine Sino-Japanese relations, the name of speeding up the pace of the "nationalization" of the Diaoyu Islands. September 11, the Japanese government and the Kurihara family formally signed the contract, the price of 2.05 billion yen "bought" the Diaoyu Islands. The Japanese government "nationalization" of the Diaoyu Islands farce, Shintaro Ishihara and Yoshihiko Noda government on the surface due to the "competition" island and each has its own political aspirations, but they are illegal to steal the Diaoyu Islands intention is the same. Diaoyu Islands in the so-called "owner" of the Kurihara family, took the opportunity up for grabs, and access to the huge economic benefits. Ishihara, son of the opportunity to host Shintaro Ishihara by their late mother, in order to reap the Diaoyu Islands, Kurihara home and out to pull strings and the Kurihara family has a 30-year friendship Members Shandong Zhao sub from. The Island speech "Share April 16, Ishihara mentioned on various occasions," purchase Island "to involve when" Share island ", how much they cost to purchase Island", instigated right-wing politicians, for the behavior of the "Share" Island to drum up support. Ishigaki, Okinawa Prefecture, Japan, the mayor of Zhongshan Elan held talks with Governor Shintaro Ishihara, claimed to agree with purchase Island plan and is willing to provide assistance. The LDP Young Turks on behalf of one of the Osaka Mayor Toru Hashimoto think Ishihara Diaoyu Islands "nationalization" detonating agent, he said: "If Ishihara did not make such action, the State will never be the problem of the lid open and take positive action. "announced" Share island Declaration of Tokyo set up the account, called on the public donations to buy the island. As of August 14, 90007 one thousand donations, a total of 1.4 billion yen fund-raising money. On July 6, the Japanese government announced the "nationalization" of the Diaoyu Islands. Shintaro Ishihara but reaction was muted, he thinks, Noda regime suddenly announced the "nationalization" of the Diaoyu Islands is "Bo popularity. Democratic Party has been chaos into group" Japanese media quoted the Tunghai University oceanography professor Shan Tian Jiyan saying, "Ishihara to 'government do, you let in Tokyo do 'to threaten the government, coupled with political chaos, to re-establish a new conservative political forces in Japan and the Diaoyu Islands is a good topic. "Shintaro Ishihara, the son of the LDP secretary general Ishihara Akira stretch the public speech, said the Japanese government should not be involved in the "buy" Diaoyu Islands matters, and Noda, under the leadership of the Democratic Party questioned. 55-year-old Ishihara Akira stretch is the the LDP president elect of competitors. Fuji TV program on September 2, when it comes to his son to run for president of the Liberal Democratic Party, Shintaro Ishihara, through television said to his son: "If elected president of the Liberal Democratic Party in Tokyo, Share island guidelines, after which we must properly deal with the Diaoyu Islands issue. Noda shape the "tough" image from August, the Japanese Prime Minister's official residence bypass Ishihara, directly with the Kurihara family negotiations. On August 22, the Japanese government refused landed on the island to investigate the application of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government. The reason is that Kurihara "owner" of the country from "landing consent applications submitted in Tokyo, the Japanese government concluded that, the negotiations between the the Tokyo Metropolitan 岛主" out of the question. Therefore, the Japanese government decided to immediately raise prices to 2.05 billion yen, and the the Kurihara family eventually agreed to the island directly "sell" the Japanese government. Japanese media said the government laissez-faire, Tokyo the "Share island", criticized the "weak" voice Noda regime will become increasingly large. Noda regime support rate consumption tax increases and restart the nuclear power plant remains in the doldrums, the Diaoyu Islands "nationalization" has become the biggest card of the regime in the hands of the Democratic Party. Kurihara Family "fame and fortune" from brother in Kurihara Kurihara, Hiroyuki said in an interview, "not to sell the island 'subsequent emergence of' the Japanese government." Later facts proved that they signed a contract with the Japanese government. Why is this The Japanese government said they are "the nationalization concept" and "money" that move Kurihara family. Japanese media analysts believe that the Tokyo Metropolitan Government to raise 1.4 billion yen, but the asking price of 2.05 billion yen, and the Japanese government still has some distance. Kurihara family also worried that, if the use of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government's finances to purchase the island will encounter some difficulties. Therefore, the final choice to sell the island to the Japanese government. This Island "Share" farce, the Kurihara family not only up for grabs, Kurihara, Hiroyuki also build on the progress released a book called "Sale of the Diaoyu Islands", "fame and fortune". Illegal control the Diaoyu Islands Memorabilia Diaoyu Island and its affiliated islands including the Diaoyu Islands, yellow tail Island, Akao Island, South Island, North Island and other islands, since ancient times in China's inherent territory. Published in the year 1403, "wind both hands", "Fujian Chinese island en route to the Ryukyu" Fishing Island "and" Chikan Island "today's Diaoyu Islands, Akao clearly documented. 1879 after the annexation of the Ryukyu immediate expansion of the tentacles stretch China's Diaoyu Islands. The 1884 Japanese Koga Chen Shiro claimed that the Diaoyu Islands for the first time and found the island uninhabited island. Japanese cabinet secrets passed a resolution in January 1895, the Diaoyu Islands and other islands of Okinawa Prefecture, was placed under the jurisdiction of, at the same time decided to establish signage in the Diaoyu Islands, was incorporated into Japanese territory. April 1895, the Qing government and Japan signed the Treaty of Shimonoseki, ceding Taiwan and its affiliated islands to Japan. Since then, the Diaoyu Islands and the long separation of the motherland, are still in Japan usurped. 1932 Koga Yoshitsugu Shiro's son, Chen, Koga "purchase" the four islands in the Diaoyu Islands. The family industry on the Diaoyu Islands in World War II, the Middle HE bankruptcy basically uninhabited island from 1940. In December 1943, Japan and China, the United States and Britain issued the Cairo Declaration clearly states: "Japan has stolen from the territory of China, returned to China." August 15, 1945, Japan announced its acceptance of the Potsdam Proclamation and unconditional surrender. Diaoyu Islands as subsidiary islands of Taiwan, it should also be returned to China, but Japan still forcibly occupied the island. September 8, 1951, the United States in the case exclude China and Japan concluded the San Francisco Peace Treaty, provisions of latitude 29 degrees south of the southwestern islands, hosted by the United Nations, the United States as the only policy authorities. September 18, 1951, the Chinese government solemnly declared, "San Francisco Peace Treaty" illegal, invalid,louboutin, hosted by the United States as determined by the Peace of islands including the Diaoyu Islands. June 17, 1971, the United States and Japan signed the "Agreement on the Ryukyu Islands and the Daito Islands, the Ryukyu Islands and the Diaoyu Islands," Shi regime "illegal" return "to Japan. The date of the establishment of diplomatic relations in 1972. Zhou Enlai proposed the the Diaoyu islands attribution hang up, leave it in the future when conditions are ripe and then solve. And Japan signed the Treaty of Peace and Friendship in 1978. Deng Xiaoping said that the Diaoyu Islands issue can be left to gradually solved in the future. 1970s Diaoyu Island "because of the the Koga family no, Kurihara Guoqi, Kurihara, Hiroyuki such as three siblings to spend $ 400,000 to buy." Japan on the Diaoyu Islands in 1979 to build a heliport, representations and protests across the Taiwan Strait to Japan. 1990 Japan Youth Association built the lighthouse on the Diaoyu Islands, once again raised the Diaoyutai wave. By the Territorial Sea and the Contiguous Zone "in 1992, stated that the Diaoyu Islands and other islands are Chinese territory, Japan proposed a" protest ". In July 1996, the Japan Youth Association set a lighthouse on the Diaoyu Islands new. China's Foreign Ministry expressed "grave concern" strong protest across the Taiwan Strait. May 1997 for the Japanese right-wing politicians of the New Progressive Party Rep,abercrombie outlet. Nishimura Shingo illegally boarded the Diaoyu Islands, Sino-Japanese relations waves again. October 2002 the Japanese government and Kurihara siblings signed "lease" Diaoyu Islands deed, rent for 22 million yen,hollister. By the 918 Patriotic network in China in December 2003, Patriot federated held in Xiamen Global Chinese Diaoyu Islands Forum, decided to set up the Federation of Chinese folk Diaoyu Islands. August 15, 2012 14 Diaoyu Diaoyu Islands Action Committee of Hong Kong and his entourage, the Diaoyu Islands boat ride from Hong Kong, "Richland II declared sovereignty over the Diaoyu Islands waters. September 10, 2012, the Chinese government issued a statement, announced the baselines of the territorial sea of ​​the Diaoyu Islands. At the same time, the Chinese fishery boats in the waters of the Diaoyu Islands to carry out the normalization law enforcement cruise. Illegally in Japan. "Nationalization" of the Diaoyu Islands process ● April 16 Japanese Tokyo Governor Shintaro Ishihara speech in the United States, claiming: Tokyo Diaoyu Islands "property rights" are planned during the year to buy. ● April 18, Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda Ishihara announced "bought" the Diaoyu Islands plan said I do not know its true,abercrombie. ● April 27, 2011 in Tokyo, Japan has set up a fundraising account called on the people to donations for the purchase of Island plan. ● 6 Shintaro Ishihara said Japan Tokyo Metropolitan Government purchased the island of fundraising account total has exceeded 1 billion yen (about 80.84 million yuan). ● 7 月 Japanese government plans to "purchase" the Diaoyu Islands in the three islands, and nationalized. Senior government officials to Ishihara convey the principle of "nationalization". ● 7 Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda said that Japan's central government plans to achieve the fastest will be the end of September on the Diaoyu Islands "nationalization". ● 7 月 15 Japanese Ambassador to China Niwa Uichiro Earlier oppose the Japan authorities "nationalization" of the Diaoyu Islands, China remarks summoned home. ● 7 月 24, 2011, Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda said that the Government has begun to raise the budget, the official start of the the Diaoyu Islands nationalization program in Congress,hollister deutschland. ● 9 月 Japanese government says will be convening the relevant cabinet members to the 11th meeting of the coordination formalized the Diaoyu Islands "nationalization" policy. ● 9 月 5, the Government of Japan and the Diaoyu Islands, "the owner of the land rights agreement, the two sides agreed to 2.05 billion yen (about 170 million yuan) share the island. ● 10 day government conference decided to "buy" the principle of the Diaoyu Islands, the Chinese government announced the baselines of the territorial sea of ​​the Diaoyu Islands. ● 9 月 11, the Government of Japan and the Diaoyu Islands, the so-called "owners" Kurihara family formally signed a "contract of sale" of the island, the purchase amount to 2.05 billion yen. ■ expert interpretation of "the date of the local right-wing is an occasion to build" analysts believe that the right-wingers "coerced" Noda at the Diaoyu Islands issue as a political card to fight to keep power. Foreign Affairs University, said Japan expert Yong-Sheng Zhou, Ishihara as a well-known right-wing, its director purchased Island farce to gain political capital for himself and his son,piumini moncler. Ishihara's son Ishihara Akira stretch the incumbent secretary general of Japan's Liberal Democratic Party. Tsinghua University Japan expert USSR also believes that the current political instability in Japan, the ruling Democratic Party and the opposition Liberal Democratic Party's public support rate is very low to build local right-wing forces in Japan, and gradually form a "third pole" of the new trends. Ishihara is to take advantage of the Diaoyu Islands issue show its existence,hollister, gathered popularity with the nationalist sentiments led to local forces in Japan join forces with the right-wing forces in Congress to win the next House of Representatives election. The reason why the Japanese government "with the" the Tokyo propulsion buy Island, Yong-Sheng Zhou, diplomatic, Japan, Korea and Russia, "island dispute" totally defeated the Noda government needs a way to enhance the support rate. Analysts believe that the face of the downturn in support for the general election pressure, Noda government will not hesitate Diaoyu Islands issue as a political card to play, to expect to keep power. ■ Why Diaoyu Islands "living" Rise of the United States secretly helped the Japanese controlled island of Diaoyu Islands has always been China's territory, after the defeat of Japan, the breach of an international treaty, refused to return to the Diaoyu Islands. The help of the United States, the Japanese side is by folk illegal "loan", "buy", conniving right-wing landed on the island and other means to gradually strengthen control over the Diaoyu Islands. Currently, dozens of ships of the Japan Coast Guard patrol boats and more than 10 aircraft will Diaoyu Islands illegally control. In 1895, the Qing government unequal treaties signed with Japan Treaty of Shimonoseki, ceding Taiwan and its affiliated islands. Since then, the Diaoyu Islands and the long separation of the motherland. In 1945, Japan accepted the Potsdam Proclamation, announced its unconditional surrender. Article 8 of the Potsdam Proclamation, "Cairo Declaration shall be carried out". "Cairo Declaration" clearly stipulates that Japan stolen from the territory of China, must be returned. But the return of Taiwan,hollister, Japan, is still usurped its affiliated islands the Diaoyu Islands. In September 1951, Japan and the United States privately signed the San Francisco Peace Treaty, the Ryukyu Islands by the United States hosted. In 1953, the United States released the "the Ryukyu archipelago geographic realm", the Diaoyu Islands is also covered in In 1971, Japan and the United States to sign the return of Okinawa Agreement, including the Diaoyu islands are classified as "the return of the area, allowed Japan to continue the illegal control over the Diaoyu Islands. Therefore, the United States has played a big role on the Japanese occupation of the Diaoyu Islands. The rightwing frequency landed on the island to "build flag after Okinawa was returned to Japan on the Diaoyu Islands, the illegal controlled mainly by the Japan Coast Guard is responsible for the Japanese right-wing, step by step" to help "the Japanese government. In May 1978, the right-wing groups "Japan sincere" World War II's first landing on the Diaoyu Islands. In August of the same year, the right-wing groups, the Japan Youth Association "in the establishment of the lighthouse on the Diaoyu Islands. In May 1979, the Japan Coast Guard personnel and equipment to the Diaoyu Islands and the construction of the heliport. Solemn protest in China, the Japanese government quit,hollister france. In 1996, the Japan Youth Association in the construction of the second island of the North Lighthouse. In May 1997, for the congressman's right-wing politicians Nishimura Shingo illegally boarded the Diaoyu Islands,-Japan relations Zaixianbolan. In April 2000, a member of the Japan Youth Association once again boarded the Diaoyu Islands, the construction of a so-called "shrine", I landed on the island "Diaoyu Islands" who dismantled in 2004,moncler outlet. In May 2001, a member of the right-wing groups, "The Japanese will" land on the island, in 2005, the Coast Guard "nationalization" Japan Youth Association, the establishment of the lighthouse on the Diaoyu Islands. Since then, the Coast Guard in order to further strengthen the island control will be based in the regular number of patrol boats for the waters increased from two to three, also allocated from the Japan Air Self-Defense Force helicopter air patrols. In 2009, Japan began a permanent large patrol boats in the waters of the Diaoyu Islands. Currently, the Japan Coast Guard eleventh district illegal control over the Diaoyu Islands, the jurisdiction of total ship 21 largest patrol ship displacement of 4,000 tons, and can carry a helicopter equipped with a 40 mm cannon. In addition to ship six of the 11th District aircraft, helicopters 5. Previously I Diaoyu Islands to board the Diaoyu Islands, the Japanese side on to spend dozens of ships, containment Diaoyu Islands boat. The transfer of "ownership" of the conspiracy Japanese occupation of the Diaoyu Islands, and also by the "ownership" of the circulation of the island to show its actual control. According to the Japanese side claimed that after Japan illegally occupying the Diaoyu Islands, a businessman named the Koga Chen Shiro from the hands of the Meiji government, free access to the four islands of Diaoyu Islands, the 30-year leasehold. Allegedly, Koga was mainly the Diaoyu Islands as the bonito of processing and collecting albatross feathers. 1932, Koga's son "bought" the four islands. In World War II, ancient Jiali bankruptcy on the Diaoyu Islands "industry", from 1940, the island uninhabited. Japanese media said the 70s of the last century, due to ancient Jiali no, Kurihara country since Hiroyuki Kurihara three siblings spend $ 400,000 to "buy" the four islands, including yellow tail Island in the 1970s "rent to the Japanese government. In October 2002, the Japanese government and Kurihara siblings signed a "loan" the Diaoyu Islands in the rest of Mishima's contract, the rent of 22 million yen annually renewed every year. According to the principles of law "illegal acts can not produce legitimate rights", the initial occupation of the Japanese fishing islands belong to the illegal occupation of unequal treaties. Japan on the Diaoyu Islands issue for the pilot to "civil behavior", resulting in a "de facto control" fait accompli, and then followed by a "loan", "take over", "nationalization" of the so-called "government action" to be gradually The international community recognizes. However, in view of the illegal fishing islands claim of sovereignty and occupation of behavior, Japan, a series of so-called "government action" from the beginning that no legal effect. Freelance writer / Yang Dong (scholars) A10-A11 version written (except for signature outside) / Beijing News reporter Zhang Yingqian Chu Mei Han Xuyang mapping letter brilliant high / Yu Guo

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